feed rod



1)feed rod,走刀桢2)feed shaft,走刀桢3)feed spindle,走刀桢4)The time of cutting feed,走刀时间5)tool path mode,走刀方式6)path interval,走刀步距7)feed route,走刀路线8)Single pass,一次走刀9)Feeding System,走刀系统10)Machining direction,走刀方向


The tool path mode and the feed mode in numerical control milling are introduced.


This paper introduces a number to control a different characteristics of tool path mode, and influenced parts of factors of its choice,and tally up a reasonable choice to walk the principle of tool path mode,pass to process a solid example to come to verify its possibility further.


Taking NC macro program in spherical ring-cutting as example,the paper puts forward the convenience of NC macro program in programming for complicated components,and points that the design of feed route is critical in NC programming.


In the process of drawing up the technology route of numerical- controlled machine toolsin processing parts,if limited to the Parts themselves,the feed route drawn up may not bethe shortest and it is possible that difficulties may arise in programming.


Research on the Optimization of Cutting Parameter in Single Pass End-milling for Numerical Control Milling Machine;


The Upgrading of the S3150 Lathe Feeding System;


This method adopts optimizing machining direction and inclination angle.

为了克服传统五轴加工采用固定走刀方向和后跟角的加工方法的不足 ,提出了一种基于刀具扫描面与曲面主曲率匹配、以行距最大为目标的走刀方向和后跟角的优化算法 。