Hong Kong Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry



1)Hong Kong Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry,香港日本人商工会议所2)Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NISHO),日本工商会3)the District council of Hong Kong,香港区议会4)Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong,香港工商专业联会5)Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce,香港总商会6)the Japanese D,日本议会


Since the British Hong Kong Government implemented the policy of partial direct election in the 1980s, the number of elected members of the District council of Hong Kong has been increasing.


A Comparative Study on the Process of Election between Village Committees in Mainland China and Hong Kong District Council


Senate of the Hong Kong Baptist University


Convocation [University of Hong Kong]


Listeners Advisory Panel [Radio Television Hong Kong]


Convocation [Chinese University of Hong Kong]


"Church of Christ in China, Hong Kong Council"


District Councils and community groups have been invited to participate in Clean Hong Kong activities to signify a renewed public commitment to a cleaner Hong Kong.


Hong Kong People's Council on Public Housing Policy [PCPHP]


Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Urban Council Area subsector [Hong Kong and Kowloon Provisional District Boards subsector]


Article 71 The President of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be elected by and from among the members of the Legislative Council.

第七十一条 香港特别行政区立法会主席由立法会议员互选产生。

On Hongkong SAR s Legislation System;


The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region may, using the name "Hong Kong, China", participate in international organizations and conferences not limited to states.


The HKSAR participates as a full and separate member in APEC and Pacific Economic Co-operation Council (PECC) as 'Hong Kong, China'.


Agency Heads Meeting [Hong Kong Council of Social Service]


Article 56 The Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be presided over by the Chief Executive.

第五十六条 香港特别行政区行政会议由行政长官主持。

Article 54 The Executive council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be an organ for assisting the Chief Executive in policy-making.

第五十四条 香港特别行政区行政会议是协助行政长官决策的机构。

Article 78 Members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall not be subjected to arrest when attending or on their way to a meeting of the Council.

第七十八条 香港特别行政区立法会议员在出席会议时和赴会途中不受逮捕。

Article 77 Members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be immune from legal action in respect of their statements at meetings of the Council.

第七十七条 香港特别行政区立法会议员在立法会的会议上发言,不受法律追究。