shall land burial

基本解释陆地浅坑掩埋 SLB


1)shall land burial,陆地浅坑掩埋 SLB2)shall land burial,陆地浅坑掩埋3)SLB Technology,SLB技术4)SLB model,SLB模型5)SLB fire-retardant,SLB阻燃剂6)fiber-optic communication in SLB,SLB光纤通讯


The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM or SLB model) of Sharpe (1964), Lintner (1965) and Black (1972) was widely accepted because of its strict deduction and simple result, but the empirical tests of the CAPM got mixed and even reversed results, the interpretation power of  to the returns of risky assets was under suspicion.


Meanwhile the fire-retardant properties had been measured in treated wood of SLB fire-retardant.

结果表明:用SLB阻燃剂处理木材,载药量达到40 kg/m3以上时,阻燃性能达到相关标准的要求,阻燃效果随着载药量的增大而增强。