Tropical Forestry Action Plan (TFAP)

基本解释热带森林行动计划 TFAP


1)Tropical Forestry Action Plan (TFAP),热带森林行动计划 TFAP2)Tropical Forestry Action Programme,热带森林行动计划 TFAP3)tropic,热带4)tropical,热带5)tropical zone,热带6)Tropics,热带7)tropical belt,热带8)torrid zone,热带9)tropic zone,热带10)hot band,热带


Biogeochimical characteristics of elements in soil-plant system in tropical and subtropical typical karst area in Guangxi;


Primary analysis on characteristics of air temperature in dry hot season to canopy gap on Xishuangbanna tropic secondary forest;


The ariticle analyzed the experience adapt for tropic climate of Philippine architecture around the techniques of sunshade, ventilation, windproofness and waterproofness etc.


Analysis of Combining Ability and Heterosis for 8 Tropical,Subtropical Maize Populations;


Studies on Combining Ability of Agronomic Characteristics Between Temperate and Tropical Maize Inbred Lines;


Present situation of tropical forage germpaslm resource collection, reservation and utilization;


, location changes of tropical and southern subtropical zones during the last glacial maximum in China are discussed in this paper.

参照约 60个实例 ,探讨末次冰期盛期中国热带位置的纬度地带性和经度地带性变迁。

Finally, the north dividing line of tropical zone in Guangxi has been planned as follows: the east end begins at the north bo.


Climate fluctuation and natural disasters during historical periods in tropics of China;


Jianfengling in Hainan Province in the tropics and Mt.

在热带的尖峰岭和亚热带的鼎湖山各选样地 1个 ,它们有相似的海拔高度、土壤类型、年均降雨量及干湿季节律 ,年均气温为主要差异 ,达 3 7℃ 。

Jianfengling in tropics and the other in Mt.

为了检验全球变暖对森林凋落物分解的影响,在跨气候带的大尺度下进行森林凋落物的交互分解实验,在热带的尖峰岭和亚热带的鼎湖山各选样地1个,它们有相似的海拔高度、土壤类型、年均降雨量及干湿季节律,气温为主要差异,年均气温相差3 7℃。

It is pointed out that in tropical belt cumulus heating and sea—air interaction should be mostly taken into account, and the relations among the mechanisms should be studied more.
