stratigraphic separation
To deal with the hierarchy coding data structure widely existed in application,this paper proposes a new conception of hierarchy distance and proves its mathematical properties.
针对广泛存在的层次编码型数据类型,提出了层次距离的新概念,证明了相关的数学性质,并在此基础上提出并实现了新的基于层次距离计算的聚类算法HDCA(Hierarchy Distance Computing based clustering Algo-rithm)。
Bundle conductor minimum ground clearance of 1 000 kV AC UHV transmission lines;
Research about ground clearance and cross and span of UHV DC transmission lines is an important topic of UHV DC transmission technique.
为确定云广±800kV线路对地及交叉跨越距离,首先根据国内外资料确定有影响的环境标准,包括静电场、合成场强、离子流密度、无线电干扰及可听噪声等,在公众能到达的地方,按美国电科院EPRI Report EL2257推荐的方法进行静电场、合成场强、离子流密度计算,根据计算结果确定其导线最小对地距离;再根据系统确定的操作过电压倍数及电气绝缘强度(空气间隙)来确定在人不宜到达地方的交叉跨越距离;部分区域综合考虑地面合成场强及电气绝缘强度的影响确定相关距离。
This article presents calculation methods of electric field intensity near the line with four circuits on one tower of 500 kV and 500 kV/220 kV mixed voltage and compares the result that of the traditional 500 kV single circuit and double circuits on one tower,and tries to find out the best lay form of wires between phases and the least distance to the ground,and analyzes th.
给出了500 kV同塔四回送电线路、500 kV/220 kV混压同塔四回送电线路附近电场强度的计算方法,与传统500 kV单回、双回线路进行比较,得出现行规程下导线最佳相序布置形式及最小对地距离。
Research on Clearance to Ground and other Crossed Facilities of DC Transmission Lines at ±800 kV Voltage Level
Numerical Simulation for Effects of Metro Tunnel on Adjacent Buried Pipe
A Dissymmetrical Social Distance--A Study of Natives and Outlanders Social Network and Social Distance in Suchou;
question closely. or question a witness that has already been questioned by the opposing side.
The First Analysis of Relief Factors of Debris Flow By the Method of Least Square Distances;
Zero-sequence mutual inductance on the ground distance elements impact analysis
It is almost 40 times farther away than the Earth is.
short spread of detectors
a spacecraft's orbital distance from the earth
Ground indicates an area or distance on the earth's surface
The distant star is far distant from the earth.
We are some way off, eg our destination.
"apart: at a distance in place, position, or time."
相隔,相距: 在地点,方位或时间上成距离
The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of movement to the east.
The horizontally projected distance from the point of the star facet to the edge of the table, relative to the distance between the table edge and the girdle edge.
the highest region of the ionosphere (from 90 to 600 miles up) that contains the highest concentration of free electrons and is most useful for long-range radio transmission.
range hand wheel
距离手轮, 距离盘
What is the distance across?
- littoral shelf
- ciminite
- broggerite
- monothermite
- medium thickness seam
- anticlinorium,composite anticline,compound anticline
- well development
- alvite
- composite aerial photographs
- dasymetric representation
- permanent hardness
- senaite
- in situ theory
- groundwater discharge
- catpleite
- anomaly in alluvium
- cipolino
- buried anomaly
- corundophilite
- churchite