full factor experimental design



1)full factor experimental design,全因素实验设计2)fullfactor experimental design,全因素实验设计3)security factor,安全因素4)safety factors,安全因素5)Safety factor,安全因数6)safety factor,安全因素7)safety factor,安全因子8)complete-factor,完全因子9)complete-factor,完全-因子10)all-factor,全因素


The Role of National Security Factors in the System of Russian Immigration Management;


The paper discusses the problems incurred in the practice of mining rights appraisal, such as, determining mineable reserves, dealing special mining facilities and expenditure of land reclamation after closing mine, geological environmental impact, mine security factors.

《矿业权评估指南》对矿业权评估工作具有纲领性和指导性意义 ,但尚不足以涵盖整个评估领域 ,本文结合实际 ,对采矿权评估实践中遇到的可采储量的确定、特殊采矿设备处理、闭坑后土地复垦费用、地质环境影响、矿山安全因素等五个问题加以论述 ,并提出了解决此类问题的措

In this method, the safety factor of potential sliding surfaces was computed directly.


On the safety factor and the prevention measures of the deep foundation pit;


To the problem of the lead times of retailer stochastically fluctuating according to stock-out quantity of supplier,the optimal decision that supplier and retailer choose their safety factors is analyzed.


After discussing some important factors effecting the evaluation standards of indoor air qrality and methods,the author introduces some new ideas,for example,using threshold value to divide the threshold of man,using weight net to analyze comfort and using safety factor to improve safety prop.

针对目前国内尚未系统地制订出铁路空调客车空气品质评定标准及国际相关标准中的不完善问题进行了分析 ,对影响铁路客车空气品质评定标准的重要因素及方法进行了探讨 ,引入了新概念 :利用对数级划分人体阈值 ,利用计权网络分析舒适度 ,利用安全因子改善标准的可靠性和经济性等 ,试图填补国内空白 ,能较好解决舒适度评定问题 ,并可为铁路客车换气节能提供理论依据。

This paper makes some beneficial approaches to safety factor optimization and coordination of twostage supply chain based on modeling research.

在需求和供应都不确定的情形下 ,通过模型研究对两阶供应链的安全因子优化与协调作了一些有益的探讨 。

Let G be a graph,F be a complete-factor of G with ω(F)≥2,and let g and f be two integer-valued functions defined on V(G) such that 0≤g(x)<f(x) for every x∈V(G).


A factor F of a graph is called a complete-factor if each component of F is complete.


This paper analyzes systematically the characteristics and main risks of quality control about real estate project,proposing adopting the whole-process and all-factor method for quality control and make risk prediction and analysis before project implementation.
