查校网 > 北京 > 大学 > 北京第二外国语学院留学国际本科、硕士项目


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  • 未知在校师生
  • 6051浏览次数


北京第二外国语学院是在敬爱的周恩来总理的亲切关怀下于1964年创立的,是一所以外国语言文学为主体学科、以旅游管理为特色学科,文学、管理学、经济学、法学等多学科门类协调发展的知名特色大学,是中国外语、翻译、旅游、经贸教学与研究的重要基地。学校设有英语学院、日语学院、旅游管理学院、国际经贸学院、跨文化研究院等22个教学科研机构。现有24个本科专业,其中日语、阿拉伯语、英语为教育部特色专业建设点,英语、日语、俄语、德语、阿拉伯语、旅游管理6个专业为北京市特色专业建设点。具有外国语言文学一级学科硕士授予权,13个二级学科硕士授权点,1个翻译硕士专业学位点;有外国语言文学(一级学科)、旅游管理、企业管理、国际贸易学4个北京市重点建设学科,北京旅游发展研究基地等省部级研究基地。学校现有专任教师近500人,其中教授、副教授近50 %,另有外国专家60余名,绝大多数教师在国外进修或攻读过学位。学校有3个北京市优秀教学团队、7个北京市学术创新团队。在校学历生1万余人,包括本科生、研究生、留学生和成人教育学历生。学校拥有众多规格不同、性能各异的现代化教学设施,主要有语言实验室、同声传译实验室、多媒体教学实验室、新闻学实验室、金融模拟实验室、旅游规划与策划实验室、模拟法庭、法律诊所等,同时还建有校园网、电视台和地面卫星接收系统。图书馆藏书丰富,设有大型期刊阅览室、专业阅览室、电子阅览室以及计算机网络服务系统。学校不断加强基础设施建设,各类体育场馆齐备,为广大学生创造了良好的学习和生活环境。经过近半个世纪的办学实践,学校形成了“学用结合,注重实践”的办学特色。外语专业强调“技能领先,注重实训”,狠抓“听、说、读、写、译”基本技能训练;非外语专业依托优势外语教学资源和多元文化环境,坚持“应用导向,强化实践”,走产学研一体化道路。学校明确了“国际导向、专业复合”的培养特色,坚持外语复语式、外语+专业、专业+外语的国际性应用型人才培养模式。学生国际视野宽阔、创新精神和实践能力突出,综合素质高,就业竞争力强。从二外走出的数万名毕业生,遍及大江南北和世界各地,涌现出国台办主任王毅,中联部副部长刘洪才,商务部副部长高虎城、陈健,中国国旅集团董事长盖志新,中信集团公司副董事长、总经理常振明,中国银行香港分行总裁和广北、美国新生代华裔电影导演胡安等一批政界、外交界、商界、文教界杰出人士。学校注重国际化办学,与美国、日本、德国、法国、澳大利亚、俄罗斯、韩国、埃及等20多个国家和地区的108所高校及教育机构建立了全方位、多层次、实质性的交流与合作,每年选派一定数量的教师出国进修、访学、合作科研,从事对外汉语教学等,年均赴外留学学生300多人,来校外国留学生1000多人。学校还在墨西哥、摩洛哥、英国、法国承办了4所孔子学院,积极参与国家汉语国际推广工作。学校的发展目标是:立足北京,服务首都,辐射全国,面向世界,努力建设成为办学实力和整体水平位居全国同类院校先进行列,若干学科达到国内领先水平,在国际上享有较高知名度的高水平多科性教学研究型大学。 Beijing International Studies University (BISU, the former Beijing Second Foreign Languages Institute) was founded in 1964 thanks to China’s late Premier Zhou En Lai’s great care. A nationwide renowned key school of higher education, the university has developed into a multi-disciplinary educational establishment that offers courses in studies of foreign languages, tourism management, liberal arts, management, economics,law and philosophy, with the studies of foreign languages as its dominant disciplines and the studies of tourism and tourism management as its specialized subjects. To suit the national needs of economic and social advance, the school endeavors to educate and train its students into internationally-minded professionals that are proficient in foreign affairs, tourism industry, economics, business and trade. There are eight foreign language departments and eight schools that specialize in language instruction and research. The eight departments are: English Department, Japanese Department, Russian Department, German Department, French and Italian Department, Spanish and Portuguese Department, Arabic Department, and Korean Department. The eight schools are: School of Tourism Management, School of International Economics and Trade, School of International Communication, School of Law and Politics, School of Translation, School of Continuing Education, School of International Cultural Exchange, and School of International Education. There are other departments and institutions, such as College for the Teaching of English, Research Institute for Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Sports and Physical Education Department, the Academy of Tourism Development, and Institute for Comparative and Transcultural Studies. In addition, the university has a wide range of research centers, such as Research Center for Public Signs Translation, Research Center for Literature and Arts, Research Center for Tourism-related Laws and Regulations, Expo-Research Center, Research Center for Sino-Australian Tourism, Research Center for Touristic Impacts, Research Center for China’s Hotel Industry, and Research Center for International Service in Cultural Business and Trade. The university is an authorized school eligible to offer thirteen post-graduate courses in foreign languages and related liberal arts, namely, English, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Arabic, tourism management, studies of foreign languages and applied linguistics, corporate management, international trade, aesthetics, contrastive literature and world literature, and Asian and African Languages (only Korean language available now). Following the policy of providing higher education for its students on a multi-level-and-purpose basis, the university offers 23 special areas of study for undergraduate students majoring in English, Japanese, Russian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Korean, Translation and Interpreting,Tourism Management (including second Bachelor’s degree), Marketing, Accounting Management, Event Economy and Management, International Economics and Trade (including second Bachelor’s degree), Finance, Chinese Language and Literature, Journalism, Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language, International Politics, Science of Law, and the Chinese Language (for international students). The university recruits overseas students for various levels of study, ranging from postgraduate, undergraduate to short-term language studies. Moreover, the university provides tertiary vocational education of English major, undergraduate courses of adult education, college education, international cooperation education programs, and so on. Currently the university has a total of more than 10,000 enrolled students. The school enjoys a rational and well-structured composition of teaching faculty and technical support staff in terms of age, academic degrees, areas of specialization, and academic titles. Of the total of 800-plus teachers and support staff members, over 200 teachers are professors and associate professors. Most of the teachers have studied abroad, either for a degree or for further pursuance in the chosen subjects. The university also keeps each year over 60 foreign teachers on its faculty. More than 120 part-time guest professors are regularly invited every year as well. As far as educational facilities and equipment are concerned, the university possesses a variety of establishments, such as language labs, simultaneous interpretation practice labs, digital language labs, a journalism lab, a lab for simulated trading and transactions, a tourism planning and designing lab, and a moot court, as well as internet computer classrooms, campus internet service and a satellite-TV reception system. The school library has a rich collection of books, newspapers and periodicals. Its large newspaper- magazine-periodical reading rooms, special-subject reading rooms, electronic reading rooms furnished with audio-visual and microfiche viewing, and on-line networking computer services enable their users to have easy access to a wide range of resources. The university has been consolidating and upgrading its infrastructure and sports facilities, so as to create a good living and studying environment for its students. Aware of the importance of international cooperation, the school has established at different times long-term cooperative or exchange programs with 114 universities from U.S., UK, Japan, Korea, Australia, France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Egypt, Syria, Malaysia, Hong Kong, etc. Mutual academic interactions, exchange of scholars and students, joint training programs, etc. are frequent. Every year a large number of students are sent abroad to continue their studies. Meanwhile, nearly one thousand foreign students come to this university. To promote students’ all-round development in terms of morality, intelligence, health and virtues, the university, adhering to its spirit of Virtue, Perseverance, Enlightenment and Competition, attaches importance to the cultivation of students’ overall qualities and professional ethics by practicing the principle of combining theory with practice, and combining book knowledge with practical skills. The university enjoys an environmentally good campus, and it is conveniently located in Chaoyang District of Beijing, adjoining the famous Beijing CBD (Central Business District).


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