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  • 5029浏览次数


北京联合大学商务学院是一所以经济学、管理学为主,兼有艺术设计类专业的本科学院。学院创建于1978年,前身为北京工业学院(北京理工大学)分院,是高校“文明校园”单位,并被北京市政府授予“首都绿化美化花园式单位”称号。校园精雅整洁,形成了适合学生健康成长的良好育人环境。学院设有国际商务系、国际经济系、电子商务系、商务艺术设计系、涉外商务系、基础部、社科部、培训部、夜大等教学部门,设有工商管理(国际商务管理)、市场营销(国际物流)、财务管理、会展经济与管理、国际经济与贸易、金融学、信息管理与信息系统(商务信息管理)、电子商务、艺术设计等专业。现有全日制在校生2100余人。学院以企业管理学、国际贸易学和管理科学与工程等校级重点建设学科为支撑,以一批在本学科领域具有较深造诣的教授、博士为带头人,引领学院各学科专业快速建设与发展。学院教学设施先进,所有教室都配备了多媒体设备,并建有多个适应应用性国际商务人才培养的实验室,其中“经贸实验教学中心”为北京市市级实验教学示范中心,为学生提供了良好的学习、实验环境。学院以培养应用性国际商务人才为建设目标,重视国际交流与合作,积极朝着国际化的方向发展,培养了一批应用型国际商务人才。自2000年始学院在全国率先与英国西苏格兰大学进行了“3+1”双学位合作办学,学生可继续深造一年合格后获硕士学位,形成了五年读3个学位的国际合作办学模式。到目前为止,我院赴英国留学的学生人数已近500余名,并派出专门教师带队,每年的团体签证率均为100%,学生赴国外留学的学士学位获取率为100%,近年来继续攻读硕士学位的学生占留学生的比例达到了85%,该项目深受广大学生、家长的欢迎。自2002年始学院与香港主要院校开展了多形式的国际合作办学项目,2007年已选送部分优秀毕业生赴香港教育学院攻读硕士学位;2008年启动了与香港岭南大学的国际交流生互派计划,以后每年都将选派部分优秀在校生赴香港岭南大学学习一个学期。学院还与英国诺森比亚大学、加拿大温尼伯格大学等多个国家和地区的大学开展合作办学项目,为不同层次需求的学生攻读国(境)外硕士学位提供了更多的途径,为学生的成才提供了广阔的空间。同时制定了多种激励政策,鼓励学生努力学习,勇于追求,国际合作办学已形成学院独特的办学特色和办学品牌之一。为适应国际化人才竞争的需要,学院非常注重学生英语应用能力的培养,通过采取英语强化学习、开设双语教学、全英语教学等措施,使学生每年在全国大学生英语竞赛和CCTV杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛中都获得很好的成绩。学院从2006年开始,在工商管理(国际商务管理)和国际经济与贸易两个专业试行全英语教学,取得了很好的效果。2009年学院继续试办国际经济与贸易专业全英语教学班,将从报考我院国际经济与贸易专业的考生中,按高考英语成绩及入学后的院英语选拔成绩择优录取一个全英语教学班。学院为全英语班学生专设出国(境)实习奖学金,奖励素质高、学习成绩优秀的学生赴国(境)外实习。学院始终秉承“学以致用”的校训,以培养应用性国际商务人才为己任,课程设置、教育教学都以应用为导向,突出学生实际应用能力的培养,使他们具备了较强的动手能力,我院毕业生深受社会的广泛欢迎,近三年平均就业率保持在97%以上。目前,学院处于快速发展的良好时期,正努力为首都的经济建设和社会发展培养更多的应用性国际商务人才。 Business College of Beijing Union University (BCBUU) is a corporate institution of higher learning in Beijing, subordinate to the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education. It was awarded the title of “Model Civil College” and “the Beautiful Green Garden Campus in the Capital” for its neat and tidy circumstances which is beneficial to the development of mind and health of the students in its fine educational conditions. Business College of Beijing Union University is a multi-disciplinary institution including a variety of fields of study in its International Business, E-business and Business Art Design Departments. It aims at establishing a refined international college to foster and train talents for international business, with the purpose of “giving service to the capital, extending its service to the whole country, based on application, and with a remarkable internationalization feature”. The College offers the following disciplines in line with the development of the time and the demand of the market, which paves the way of employment for its graduates. They are International Business and Trade, Business Administration, Financial Management, Marketing, Information Management and System, E-business, Art Design, etc.The College has grown up after years of significant development. It got the authorization from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education in 2005 to confer bachelor’s degrees for all its programs. The College has the Department of International Business, the Department of E-business, the Department of Business Art Design, the Division of Basic Courses, the Division of Social Courses, the Business Practice and Training Center, the International Training Centre, the Meetings and Exhibitions Research Institute, the International Business Research Institute, and the E-business Research Institute, and so on. Since it was established over twenty years ago, the College has been making great efforts to explore and expand courageously its great-leap-forward development in international education. Keeping to the theme of development, and driven by management reform, the College changed its concepts of education and vigorously forges ahead managemental innovation, resulting in the new development mode for a medium-sized institution of higher learning in the market economy. It converted from traditional education to quality education, from close-in education to open-door policy at home and abroad. The international communication and co-operation stimulate the improvement of internal management and the modernization of education, so as to meet the need of the economic development of the capital. The College endeavors to match the education setting of the world in an all-round manner with its international co-operation pattern at many levels, types, and channels. It gains the reputation of the internationalized and highly-qualified institution with superior administration and credibility. The seminar on the Administrative Approach of Business College and the Principal Ming Sun's Thoughts on the Collegial Administration was held by the Beijing Union University on 3rd December, 2004, which many leaders from the Beijing Municipal Commission of Education attended. The China Education Television had an interview and reported it as a special subject. The College has established co-operational education projects with the University of Paisley and the Northumbria University in the United Kingdom, the Asia Open International University (Macao), University of Ballarat in Australia, the Christchurch Polytechnic Institute of Technology in New Zealand, the Chartered Institute of Technology in Singapore, and CIMNET – IT TRAINING ARM OF CIM, UK. It has opened the direct way of international studies for bachelor’s and master’s degree for the students from diverse backgrounds and of different needs. The students here have access to many channels to choose from to study abroad. The College currently administers jointly with the University of Paisley and the Northumbria University in UK the 3+1 co-training mode and also the five-year mode that can grant three degrees, two bachelor’s degrees and one master’s degree, to the successful candidates. The modules are attractive to many students and run very well. In this program, after having studied for three years in Business College of Beijing Union University, the students can apply to study in UK in their fourth year and their credits acquired at one co-operating institution are accepted by the other, thus the successful candidates can be awarded two bachelor’s degrees, from the College and the university in Britain. After getting their bachelor’s degree, the students may continue to study for one year for their master’s degree, so that they may achieve three degrees within five years. The College adheres to the basic tenets of truthfulness and credibility, and therefore, 100 percent group visa applications of the students to UK by the College are successful every year. In the past five years, nearly 20% of our undergraduate students are offered the opportunity to study abroad. They value their time, trying their best to make most of their study and as a result, 100% of the students abroad attained their bachelor’s degree and 85% of them proceed to the pursuit of the master’s degrees. In order to improve our work of selecting truly qualified students to go abroad, the College is to set up the Overseas-studying Fund from 2005 to support talented students from families in low financial conditions to have the chance of studying abroad. In addition to the co-operative programs that lead to academic degrees, some other programs are launched by the College and Malmi School of Business in Finland, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Michigan Community College in American, University of Ulm and IHK Nuernberg in Germany, and so on. Currently, all departments and research institutes of the College are working effectively to advance their international communication and cooperation. The College carries out successful and fruitful research cooperation with the University of Paisley, and the Meetings and Exhibitions Research Institute with the partners in Germany, the Business Art Design Department with the universities in Hong Kong and Taiwan.


  • 教学规模:
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