
19画 基本字义 糪 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  半生半熟的饭。 异体字
20画 基本字义 欂 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  椽子。 ⒉  〔欂栌〕柱顶上承托栋梁的方木。 ⒊  古书上说的一种树。 异体字 榑
bó jué 19画 基本字义 髉 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  骨。 ⒉  骨端。 其他字义 髉 jué(ㄐㄩㄝˊ) ⒈  骨坚白。 异体字
19画 基本字义 髆 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  古同“膊”。 异体字 䯙 拍 胉 English shoulder blade
20画 基本字义 襮 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  绣有花纹的衣领:“素衣朱襮。” ⒉  外表:“张修襮而内逼。” ⒊  暴露:“将务持重,岂宜自表襮为敌饵哉?” 异体字 㬧 English collar; to expose
24画 基本字义 鑮 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  古乐器,一种单独悬挂的大钟。 ⒉  十二辰头铃钟。 ⒊  古代一种锄类农具。 异体字 鎛 䥬
7画 基本字义 䢌 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  “䟛”的异体字。 异体字 English to walk, rapid marching or running
bó pí pǐ 9画 异体字 㨢 English to rip open the flesh, to break; to snap
bó bǒ fù qiàn 8画 基本字义 㝿 bǒ(ㄅㄛˇ) ⒈  同“跛”。 异体字 跛 English (non-classical form of 跛)lame; crippled
10画 English mountain; hill
bó fèi 10画 异体字 English to castrate, a ram or he-goat, last name
bó kù 10画 异体字 衭 English (same as 衭) the lapel or collar of a garment or robe, drawers, (dialect) trousers or pants
㶿 11画 异体字 English the smoke went up; giving forth smoke; smoking; misty
11画 异体字 勃 English (same as 勃) suddenly, to change, as the countenance, a kind of animal (interchangeable 悖) perverse; contrary to what is right, to rebel
11画 异体字 䢌 English walking rapidly; in a hurry, to stride over; to step across
11画 English a cow; female of an animal
bó fù 13画 异体字 English to bite the hard and solid food
bó fù 12画 基本字义 䬪 bó(ㄅㄛˊ) ⒈  同“馎”。 异体字 餺 English (same as 餺) a kind of cooked noodle
14画 异体字 English fierce; cruel, sudden, a scorching heat
14画 English the shoulder blade; scapula
14画 异体字 馞 English (same as 馞) strong sweet smell; strong fragrance
14画 异体字 渤 English (same as 渤) (of water) swelling or rising; an inland sea among today's Liaoning, Hebei and Shandong Provinces
bó fèi 15画 异体字 仆 English (same as 踣) to stumble and fall
15画 异体字 薄 English short sleeves shirt, clothes that have no lining, (same as 薄) thin; light; slight
15画 异体字 English a kind of animal; with a horse shape; the tail of an ox and with only one horn
bó cuì jiǎo nǔ qián 15画 异体字 橇 English (non-classical form of 橇) a sledge for transportation over mud or snow
bó pú 16画 异体字 English sound of pressing something down
16画 English eggs of mantis; chrysalis
16画 异体字 English a legendary goat-like animal with 4 ears and 9 tails
15画 异体字 English horse with long hair
18画 异体字 扑 English to strike; to beat; to knock; to stone (to throw stone and hit someone); sound of hitting something
bó fù 17画 English fully laden of a boat, name of a ship
bó péi 16画 异体字 䪹 English (same as U+4AB9 䪹) chin; the jaws; the cheeks
bó jiǎo xiào 19画 异体字 攪 English (non-classical form of 攪) to disturb or to agitate; to bother; to trouble, to stir; to churn; to mix evenly by stirring
18画 异体字 暴 English (standard form) a collar, the neck, to connect collars to the clothes
20画 异体字 English a kind of weapon carried by the honor guard before the Emperor in ancient times
19画 English meat to offer for worship
fú bó 21画 English to clean the withered; dried and decayed leaves of the bottom part of millets, grains, beans or peas, a
21画 English (interchangeable 鎛) a musical instrument in old times, a large bell suspended from a frame; a kind of ancient bell, a variety of hoe
20画 English hair, sparse hair
23画 English a kind of rat, known together as the kangaroo
22画 English cushioned seat on a vehicle, a leather wrapped collar or yoke of a carriage
12画 基本字义 跛 bǒ(ㄅㄛˇ) ⒈  腿或脚有病,走路时身体不平衡,瘸:跛脚。跛子。跛行。跛鳖千里(喻本身条件再差,只要不懈努力,终能获得成功)。 异体字 㝿 汉英互译 lameness 造字法 形声:从足、皮声 English lame
24画 异体字 English cakes; biscuits; pastry, (same as 餺) cooked food made of rice flour
bò bǒ 19画 基本字义 簸 bò(ㄅㄛˋ) ⒈  〔簸箕〕①扬糠除秽、清理垃圾的器具,用竹篾、柳条或铁皮制成,三面有边沿,一面敞口;②簸箕形的指纹(“箕”均读轻声)。 其他字义 簸 bǒ(ㄅㄛˇ) ⒈  用簸箕颠动米粮,扬去糠秕和灰尘:簸谷。 ⒉  颠动摇晃:颠簸。簸荡。簸动。簸弄。 异体字 汉英互译 winnow 造字法 形声:从竹声 English winnower
pí bǒ 11画 基本字义 蚾 pí(ㄆ一ˊ) ⒈  古书上说的一种虫。 其他字义 蚾 bǒ(ㄅㄛˇ) ⒈  〔蚵蚾〕蟾蜍,即“癞蛤蟆”。 统一码 蚾字UNICODE编码U+86BE,10进制: 34494,UTF-32: 000086BE,UTF-8: E8 9A BE。 蚾字位于中日韩统一表意文字(CJK Unified Ideographs)。
pǐ bò 16画 基本字义 擗 pǐ(ㄆ一ˇ) ⒈  捶胸:“擗踊哭泣,哀以送之。” ⒉  捶打:把脑袋擗得粉碎。 ⒊  掰:擗棒子。 其他字义 擗 bò(ㄅㄛˋ) ⒈  古同“擘”。 异体字 擘 造字法 形声:从扌、辟声 English to beat the breast
16画 基本字义 孹 bò(ㄅㄛˋ) ⒈  古同“擘”。 异体字 擘
píng bò 17画 基本字义 檘 píng(ㄆ一ㄥˊ) ⒈  古同“枰”,枰仲木。 其他字义 檘 bò(ㄅㄛˋ) ⒈  古同“檗”。 异体字 枰 檗
17画 基本字义 檗 bò(ㄅㄛˋ) ⒈  〔黄檗〕落叶乔木,木材坚硬,茎可制黄色染料,树皮入药。简称“檗”。 异体字 檘 蘖 蘗 English tree