
niǎo 8画 基本字义 茑(蔦) niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  落叶小乔木,茎攀缘树上,叶掌状分裂,略作心脏形,花淡绿微红,果实球形,味酸。 异体字 蔦 造字法 形声:从艹、鸟声 English the convovulvus; parasitic plants such as mistletoe; Ribes ambiguum
niǎo 10画 基本字义 袅(裊) niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  柔弱,缭绕:“不声如动吹,无风自袅枝”。袅娜( nuó )。袅袅(a.形容烟气缭绕上腾的样子,如“炊烟袅袅”;b.形容细长柔美;c.形容随风摆动的样子,如“垂柳袅袅”;d.形容微风吹拂;e.形容声音绵延不绝,如“余音袅袅”)。 异体字 裊 嫋 嬝 㜵 䙚 汉英互译 slender and delicate 造字法 形声:从衣、鸟声 English curling upwards; wavering gently
niǎo 5画 基本字义 鸟(鳥) niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  脊椎动物的一纲,温血卵生,全身有羽毛,后肢能行走,前肢变为翅,一般能飞:鸟类。候鸟。益鸟。鸟语花香。 异体字 鳥 汉英互译 bird、fowl、jay 造字法 象形 English bird; KangXi radical 196
niǎo 14画 基本字义 蔦 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  见“茑”。 异体字 樢 茑 English the convovulvus; parasitic plants such as mistletoe; Ribes ambiguum
niǎo 13画 基本字义 裊 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  见“袅”。 异体字 䙚 袅 褭 English curling upwards; wavering gently
niǎo 13画 基本字义 嫋 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  同“袅”。 异体字 嬝 English slender and delicate
niǎo 17画 基本字义 嬲 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  纠缠,搅扰:“汝能为歌,吾辈即去,不复嬲。” ⒉  戏弄:“弟妹乘羊车,堂前走相嬲。” 异体字 造字法 会意 English frolic, play with; flirt with; (Cant.) angry
niǎo 16画 基本字义 褭 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  用丝带系马。 ⒉  古同“袅”。 异体字 裊 䮍
niǎo 16画 基本字义 嬝 niǎo(ㄋ一ㄠˇ) ⒈  同“袅”。 异体字 嫋 English delicate; graceful
niǎo 13画 异体字 English an appliance for walking on the sands (as boat for river; car for highway)
niǎo zhuó 11画 异体字 㞘 English the buttocks; the rump, fat; plump, one of the seven constellations; name of a star, the anus
niǎo 9画 异体字 樢 English (simplified form) (same as 蔦) the convolvulus; a kind of creeping plant, partridge; francolin, in Japan, the pole out side of a building used to post the public notice
niǎo 17画 异体字 裊 English (same as 裊 褭) curling up, as smoke, wavering gently; to sway enticingly; winding round and round, in ancient time to cast gold in the shape of horse's hoofs; fine horse
niǎo xìng 16画 异体字 褭 English (same as 褭 裊) curling up, as smoke; wavering gently, around; all around
niǎo 19画 English high and lofty
niǎo 19画 异体字 㒟 English (said of a woman) with a charming sprightly carriage; slim; delicate and beautiful
niǎo 18画 异体字 㜵 English (same as 褭) with a charming; slim carriage (of a woman), pretty
niào 11画 基本字义 脲 niào(ㄋ一ㄠˋ) ⒈  尿素,有机化合物,无色晶体,溶于水。广泛用于塑料、药剂和农业等生产中。 造字法 形声:从月、尿声 English urea
尿 niào suī 7画 基本字义 尿 niào(ㄋ一ㄠˋ) ⒈  小便,肾脏的排泄液:尿液。尿布。尿肥。尿素。 ⒉  排泄小便:尿尿。 其他字义 尿 suī(ㄙㄨㄟ) ⒈  小便(限于名词):尿( niào )尿。尿脬(膀胱。亦作“尿泡”)。 异体字 㞙 㳮 溺 汉英互译 emiction、stale、urine 造字法 会意:从尸、从水 English urine; urinate
niǎo 21画 异体字 English a kind of stone, bends; curves; turns and twists of the mountains
niào 11画 异体字 尿 English (same as 尿) urine; to urinate
niào 10画 异体字 尿 English (interchangeable 尿) urine, to urinate
※ 拼音为niao的字共计有22个