
fú bó 21画 English to clean the withered; dried and decayed leaves of the bottom part of millets, grains, beans or peas, a
chī 22画 基本字义 黐 chī(ㄔ) ⒈  木胶,用细叶冬青茎部的内皮捣碎制成,可以粘住鸟毛,用以捕鸟。 异体字 粚 English to stick; sticky
dǒng 20画 异体字 English to turn on the heel, not moving forward
jiàn qiàn xiàn 20画 异体字 䵛 English panicled millet, congee; porridge; rice gruel, ripening of paddy or rice; a harvest
jiàn xiàn 23画 异体字 䵖 English (non-classical form of VEA4D56) panicled millet, congee; porridge; rice gruel, ripening of paddy or rice
20画 English a varietyof millet, to stick, sticky; glutinous
15画 基本字义 黎 lí(ㄌ一ˊ) ⒈  众,众多:黎民。黎庶。 ⒉  古通“黧”,黑色。 ⒊  古国名。 ⒋  姓。 异体字 㴝 䊍 犂 菞 黧 汉英互译 multitude 造字法 形声:从黍、利声 English surname; numerous, many; black
16画 基本字义 䵓 lí(ㄌ一ˊ) ⒈  [䵓鼠]也作“犁鼠”,蚡鼠。 ⒉  也作“犁”。 异体字 犂 English the mole
15画 异体字 䵒 English (same as 䵒 U+4D52) glue, a kind of cement made of hemp, lime and oil
16画 异体字 䵑 English glue, a kind of cement made of hemp, lime and oil
nián 17画 基本字义 黏 nián(ㄋ一ㄢˊ) ⒈  像胶或糨糊的性质:黏性。黏液。黏土。黏米。 异体字 䴴 造字法 形声:从黍、占声 English stick to; glutinous, sticky; glue
nǒng 25画 English to plough and sow, a kind of fruit
shà shài 21画 异体字 曬 晒 English dosen't t stick to each other; hard to adhesive, (same as 曬) to dry in the sun; to expose to sunlight
shǔ 12画 基本字义 黍 shǔ(ㄕㄨˇ) ⒈  〔黍子〕一年生草本植物,叶线形,子实淡黄色,去皮后称黄米,比小米稍大,煮熟后有黏性。 异体字 汉英互译 millet 造字法 形声:从禾、雨声 English glutinous millet; KangXi radical number 202
tǎo 22画 基本字义 䵚 tǎo(ㄊㄠˇ) ⒈  〈方〉[䵚黍]蜀黍。即高粱。 English (dialect) kaoliang; sorghum
zhǎ 21画 English sticky; to append; padding; cushioning, to paste on something