- guide to appointment聘任指南
- FGMA (Flat Glass Marketing Association)平板玻璃行销协会
- tack平头钉,(帆船的)逆风换向,vt.钉住,附加,vi.抢风转变航向
- certificate bond凭证式国债
- indicative benchmark for grading distribution评级分布比率
- subsidence by static pressure迫降
- urgent need迫切需要
- bankruptcy code chapter 7-liquidation破产法第7章(清算)
- undermine peace and stability破坏和平与稳定
- FTI (Facing Tile Institute)铺面砖协会
- Puyang濮阳
- Program on education to popularize knowledge of laws.普法教育活动
- college普通高校
- verbal note普通照会
- midterm期中
- Chi/Chyi/Chi/Chih祁/戚/齐
- orientation course启导课程
- minimum tour起码任期
- salary起薪
- minimum salary point起薪点
- Motor Vehicle Examiner汽车检验主任
- Motor Driver (CAC)汽车司机(廉政公署)
- Automobile repair and assembly plant汽车修配厂
- Automotlve manufacture汽车制造厂
- mustardn荠子
- negotiating partner洽谈伙伴
- LIA (Lead Industries Association,Inc.)铅工业协会
- issuing department签发部门,供应部门
- anterior前
- robber强盗,盗贼
- field supervisor前线主管人员
- forced redundancy强制遣散
- hard-line Islamist强硬派伊斯兰教徒
- panic buying;buying spree抢购风
- disaster relief抢险救灾
- Qiao(乔)乔
- country of one's residence侨居国
- self-interest切身利益
- goodwill visit亲善访问
- invade,invasion侵入,侵略
- Qin秦
- minor disciplinary offence轻微违纪行为
- for further action请继续办理,请续办,请进一步办理
- for signature请签署,候签
- for your advice请提意见,请批示
- for your perusal请详细审阅
- to seek a fair and reasonable solution求得公平合理的解决
- f.n.a. [for necessary action]请依例办理,请酌情办理,请办理
- Chiu裘/仇/邱
- It combines regional support with organic system support and general supply support with special supp区域保障与建制保障相结合、通用保障与专用保障相结合的方式。