- faithful and honest discharge of duties忠诚执行职务
- Lifelong learning终身学习
- Judge,Court of Final Appeal终审法院法官
- bell钟
- Chung-li钟离
- Animal Breeding Stock Import and Export Corporation种畜进出口公司
- racial segregation种族隔离
- construction of major transport trunk lines and hubs重大交通运输干线与枢纽工程
- overlapping shift重叠更次
- overlapping scale重叠薪级
- duplication of production重复生产
- duplicate construction重复建设
- ovserve contracts and keep promises重合同守信用
- inroduction of redundant technical facilities;importation of redundant technical facilities重复引进
- realignment重新排列,重新组合
- importantly adv.重要地,重大地
- important raw and processed materials重要原材料
- important strategic opportunity period重要战略机遇期
- an important pattern of operations重要作战样式
- worst-hit area重灾区
- crux重中之重
- Chau/Chou/Chow周/邹
- Pearl River Film Company珠江电影制片公司
- Bearing Joint Export Corporation轴承出口联营公司
- Zhuge诸葛
- Inter-Parliamentary Union(IPU )诸国会议同盟
- obsolescent rank逐渐取消的职级
- main file主案卷,主档案,主档
- interviewing officer主持会见的人员,负责会见人员
- a subjective,formalistic and bureaucratic style of work主观主义、形式主义和官僚主义作风
- facilitation主持讨论,课程指导
- governing body主管团体
- President主席,董事长
- Major organization主要部门
- key result area主要工作范畴,主要成绩项目
- lodging allowance住宿津贴
- home-to-office travelling allowance住所到办事处的行车津贴
- Committee on Housing,Building and Planning住宅建筑企划委员会
- activity to assist the impoverished students助学行动
- Inoculator注射员
- heed vt.& vi.注意,留意,n.注意,留意
- to wish prosperity to a country and well-being to its people祝(某国)国家繁荣人民幸福
- CIPI(Cast Iron Soil Pipe Institute)铸铁导管协会
- toast祝酒词
- Foundry铸造厂
- patented product(s),counterfeiting not allowed专利产品,仿冒必究
- special material supply and service support are provided by the services and arms through their organ专用物资供应和专用勤务保障由军兵种按建制系统组织实施
- functional process专责程序
- functional core专责核心职位
- functional level专责阶层