- genicular膝的
- knee (hinge joint)膝(枢钮关节)
- knee-jerk reflex / patellar reflex (stretch reflex)膝盖反射(牵胀反射)
- patellar reflex膝反射
- kneecap (patella)膝盖骨(髌骨)
- chi kuan膝关
- patellometer膝关节反射计
- internal derangement of knee joint (IDK)膝关节不全脱位,膝关节内脱位
- knee joint fixator膝关节固定器,关节加压固定器
- arthroscopic surgery of the knee膝关节镜手术
- knee splint膝关节夹
- patella compressor膝关节压迫器
- gonarthrotomy膝关节切开术
- Knee osteoarthritis膝关节炎
- pneumography of knee joint膝关节注气影术
- genuclast膝关节粘连松解器
- geniculocalcarine膝距束
- gonyocele膝瘤
- knee retractor膝拉钩
- trans-femoral prosthesis膝上假肢
- genu varum膝内翻
- above-knee amputation (AKA)膝上截肢
- gonagra膝痛风
- knee arthralgia膝痛
- genu valgum (x-leg)膝外翻,叉形腿
- genu valgum膝外翻
- gonycampsis膝弯曲
- below-knee amputation膝下截肢
- hollow of the knee膝窝
- knee-chest position膝胸卧位
- patellar clonus膝阵挛
- ch'i yang kuan膝阳关
- knee support膝支持器
- swelling and pain in knee膝肿痛
- knee replacement (artificial joint)膝置换(人工关节)
- geniculate herpes膝状疱疹
- knee elbow position膝肘卧位
- Knee-foot-ankle orthosis (KFAO)膝-足-踝矫正法
- habitus习惯,体型,体质
- habit习惯,体型
- habitual习惯性
- Habitual Buyer习惯购买者
- habitual purchase习惯性购买
- habituation习性形成
- habit spasm习惯性痉挛
- Sims's speculum席姆斯氏窥镜(鸭嘴形阴道窥镜)
- Schimmelbusch's disease席梅耳布施氏病
- nasal douche洗鼻剂
- colon hydrotherapy洗肠疗法
- intestinal lavage洗肠
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination