- gastrocolic胃结肠的
- gastric colic胃绞痛
- gastrocoloptosis胃结肠下垂
- Stomach tuberculosis胃结核
- gastrocolitis胃结肠炎
- gastroscopy胃镜检查[术]
- stomach fluid胃津
- Department of gastroscope胃镜室
- gastrojejunocolic fistula胃空肠结肠瘘
- gastrojejunal胃空肠的
- gastrojejunitis胃空肠炎
- Gastrojejunostomy胃空肠吻合术
- gastralgokenosis胃空痛
- Ulcer胃溃疡
- gastroscopy (GCY)胃窥镜
- Ulcer Gulch胃溃疡峡谷
- Gastric fistula胃瘘
- Gastric distension胃扩张
- gastrostogavage胃瘘管饲法
- Stomach Paralysis胃麻痹
- filtratometer胃滤液测量器,胃滤液计
- gastromyosis胃霉菌病
- pepsitensin胃酶解血管紧张肽
- Gastrinoma胃泌素瘤
- stomach model胃模型
- Gastrin releasing peptide胃泌素释放肽
- gastrodialysis胃膜断离
- gastrotonometer胃内压测定仪
- gastric intubation胃内插管
- gastrotonometer胃内压测量器
- gastrocamera胃内照像机
- gastrocamera胃内照相机
- gastrophotor胃内照像器,胃内照像装置
- anorexia胃纳呆滞
- gastrophotography胃内照像术
- Gastric torsion胃扭转
- intragastric bag胃囊(用以采取十二指肠液)
- Gastric emptying time胃排空时间
- gastric bypass (GBP)胃旁路(术)
- gastric emptying velocity胃排空速率
- stomach bypass surgery胃旁路手术(胃部分流术)
- gastric bypass胃旁路术
- gastrocele胃膨出
- Stomach bubble胃泡
- failure of stomach qi to descend胃气不降
- gastric phase胃期
- abnormal flow of stomach Qi胃气上逆
- deficiency of stomach qi胃气虚
- syndrome of adverse rising of stomach qi胃气上逆证
- syndrome of deficiency of stomach qi胃气虚证
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination