- slitter纵断器,切刀
- mediastinoscope纵隔(腔)镜
- Mediastinum纵隔
- mediastinogram纵隔X射线(照)片
- pneumomediastinogram纵隔充气造影片
- mediastinography纵隔X射线照像术
- Mediastinal teratomas纵隔畸胎瘤
- hemomediastinum纵隔积血
- mediastinal mass纵隔瘤
- Mediastinitis纵隔炎
- mediastinal cyst纵隔囊肿
- mediasticlm drounage tube纵隔引充管
- Longitudinal Centre of Floatation( L.C.F.)纵漂心
- widened mediastinum纵隔增宽
- vertical integration纵向合并,垂直合并,纵面结合
- longitudinal section纵切面,纵切片
- A local firm that is vertically integrated纵向一体化公司
- Longitudinal Centre of Gravity(L.C.G.)纵重心
- vertical integration纵向组织
- longitudinal muscle (peristalsis)纵走肌(蠕动)
- noma走马疳
- treadmills走路机(跑步机)
- dromophobia走行恐怖
- address the bar走向杠铃
- paper speed走纸速度
- hire purchase租购,分期付款购买
- hire purchase agreement租购合约
- podo-足,脚
- Leasehold租赁权(物)
- foot足.脚
- instep bones足背骨
- dorsal foot足背
- Podiatrists足病医师
- foot care足部保养
- Podiatric Medicine足病医学
- feet care足部护理
- extensor of the foot足部伸肌
- flexor of the foot足部屈肌
- plantar fasciitis足底筋膜炎
- tremor of feet足颤
- pedionalgia足底痛
- atelopodia足发育不全
- ignipedites足底灼痛
- Maduromycosis足分支菌病
- maduromycosis足分离菌病
- heel (tarsal)足跟(跗骨)
- heel pain足跟痛
- heel tap reflex足跟反射
- podobromidrosis足汗恶臭
- adequate ventilation足够通风
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination