- painted着急的,假装的
- hyperchromatism,hyperchromatosis着色过度
- lentigomelanosis着色斑性黑变病
- stain着色剂,染料
- chromomycosis着色性真菌病
- color phase microscope着色相位差显微镜
- centromere着丝点,着丝粒
- dematiaceous fungi着色真菌
- centric ring着丝点环
- Centromere着丝粒
- centrogene着丝基因
- centromere plate着丝粒板
- centromeric DNA着丝粒DNA
- centromere misdivision着丝粒错分
- Centrosomes and Microtubule Nucleation着丝粒和微管成核
- centric fission着丝粒分裂
- centromeric exchange着丝粒交换
- centric fusion着丝粒融合
- centromere binding protein着丝粒结合蛋白
- centromere着丝体
- sequence着丝粒序列
- Zwanck pessary兹旺克氏子宫托
- posture (muscle contraction)姿势(肌肉收缩)
- Reference Group咨询小组
- equity financing资本筹措,权益筹资
- postural reflex姿势反射
- capital reserve资本公积金,资金储备
- capital goods资本物品
- capital intensive资本密集
- gearing ratio资本与负债的比率,资本借贷比率
- producer goods资本物品,生产者物品
- proprietor资本主,东主,业主
- capital资金,资本,股本
- capital资金,资本
- capital gearing资金借贷比率,资本与负债比率
- statement of source and application of unds资金表,资金来源及运用表
- fund sources资金来源
- capital investment资金投入
- funds flow资金流转
- capital constrain资金限制
- Funding Profile资金投入状况
- information资料
- Resource Period资源持续时间
- Fact Book资料手册
- Resource Thresholds资源阀值
- Resource Code资源代码
- Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS)资源分解结构
- Resource Group资源工作组
- Resource Effort资源工作量
- resource planning资源计划