- external limiting membrane外界膜
- debt finance外借资金
- exoantigen外抗原
- shin splints外胫夹
- Surgery外科
- surgical suture needle外科缝合针
- surgical mallet外科锤
- ancistrum外科钩
- surgical knot外科结
- Surgical robot外科机器人
- acidology外科频学
- Waike Jingyao;Essence of External Diseases外科精要
- surgical instruments外科器械
- surgical olrape外科手术巾
- Surgical operation外科手术
- surgical diathermy外科透热法
- surgical facemask/mask外科手术专用口罩
- department of surgery外科系统
- surgeon外科医生
- surgerg-microscope外科显微镜
- surgical cement外科粘固粉
- surgical paraffin外科用石腊
- Orthodox Manual of External Diseases外科正宗
- surgical bur外科钻
- Waike Zhengzhi Quansheng Ji;Life-saving Manual of Diagnosis and Treatment of External Diseases外科证治全生集
- external granular layer外颗粒层(大脑皮质)
- st 26外陵
- Outside Tied with Steet Strap外捆铁皮
- outer membrane protein外膜蛋白
- foreign trade bureau外贸局
- Adventitia外膜细胞
- ectodermosis外胚导病
- exomeninx外脑[脊]膜
- involurin外皮蛋白
- Well-Felix reaction (WFR)外-裴氏反应
- linear外切核酸酶
- Cellobiohydrolase外切葡聚糖酶
- Exonucleases,Bacterial外切核酸酶:细菌的
- G36外丘
- exo_glycosidases外切糖苷酶
- trauma外伤
- nocufensor外伤防御器,防伤害系统
- traumatism外伤病
- traumatosepsis外伤性败血症
- traumatic surgery外伤外科
- traumatic hemorrhage外伤性出血
- traumatic cataract外伤性内障
- traumatic amnesia外伤性健忘症
- traumatic retinal vasculopathy外伤性视网膜血管病变
- traumatic shock外伤性休克
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination