- proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy中央前回
- central core disease中央轴突症
- central tendency中央倾向,集中趋势
- Chinese traditional medicine中药
- identification of Chinese materia medica中药鉴别学
- chemistry of traditional Chinese Medicine中药化学
- Chinese medicinal herbs preparation中药炮制学
- Pharmaceutics of TCM中药药剂学
- Pharmacists of Chinese medicine中药师
- Analysis of Chinese medicinal preparations中药制剂分析
- TCM pediatrics中医儿科学
- proctology of traditional Chinese medicine中医肛肠科学
- otorhinolaryngology of traditional Chinese medicine中医耳鼻喉科学
- different schools of Chinese medicine theories中医各家学说
- Chinese nursing中医护理学
- Orthopaedics-traumatology(TCM)中医骨伤科学
- science of rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine中医康复学
- emergency treatment with traditional Chinese medicine中医急诊学
- dept.of traditional Chinese medicine中医科
- herbalist中医师
- Chinese internal medicine中医内科学
- TCM literature中医文献学
- science of tuina of traditional Chinese medicine中医推拿学
- Chinese ophthalmology中医眼科学
- Chinese traditional medicine中医药
- traditional Chinese medicine health中医养生学
- traditional Chinese medicine中医药学
- central-bearing tracing device中支描记器(牙科)
- fu-viscera with decisive character中正之官
- central-bearing device中支器(牙科)
- centraxonial中轴的
- middle finger identical unit中指同身寸法
- axial skeleton中轴骨胳
- metacentric chromosome中着丝粒染色体
- chung chu中注
- neutron spectrometer中子光谱计
- neutron roentgen中子伦琴
- neutron cyclotron中子回旋加速器
- neutron spectrometer中子谱仪
- bl 33中
- neutron therapy unit中子治疗机
- Yours Sincerely忠实于你的
- Debenture忠诚于你的
- Yours Truly忠实于你的(结束语)
- terminal-cistern终池
- end products终产物
- touching the finishing line终点触线
- End Tranche Assessment终点部分评价
- endpoint titration终点滴定(法)
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination