- Plant ferritin植物铁蛋白
- phytoecdysteroid植物脱皮甾醇
- autonomic nervous system植物性神经系统,自主神经系
- Plant Signaling: Peptides植物信号发送:肽类
- PHA植物血细胞凝集素
- phytosis植物原性疾病
- tooth implantation植牙
- Metatarsus跖
- panki跖沟状角皮病
- plantar reflex跖反射
- plantaris (Achilles tendon)跖肌(跟腱)
- Metatarsal跖骨
- metatarsus跖基
- plantar wart跖疣
- metatarsus adductus跖内收
- metatarsophalangeal跖趾的
- hidroschesis止汗
- Zhijingsan止痉散
- Storm Valve止回阀,防风暴阀
- antitussive止咳药
- antifoam止泡剂
- lactifuge止乳药
- Anti-emetics止吐剂
- Pain Killer止疼药
- antipruritic止雪
- TQ (tourniquet)止血带,压脉器
- tourniquet止血带
- Hemostasis止血法
- hemostatic suture止血缝合
- styptic cotton止血棉
- Hemostatic sponge止血海绵
- tourniquet止血器,压脉器,止血带
- double helix (DNA)只螺旋(去氧核糖核酸)
- hemostatic plug止血栓子
- account payee only只限存入抬头人账户,只可转帐
- Cannot Be Anything but只能是
- paper纸,文件
- chromatograph of paper纸层色谱仪
- carton纸板盒,纸板
- tape processor纸带处理机
- bandbox resonance纸盒音
- pastille radiometer纸碟式放射量计
- paper electrophoresis apparatus纸上电泳仪
- paper chromatograph纸上色谱仪
- oral medicaed soluble paper纸型片剂
- paper raft nursing technique纸桶保育技术
- fetus papyraceous,papyraceous fetus纸样胎
- paper skin纸状皮
- dactylo-指(趾)
- ionone芷香酮,紫罗酮
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination