- fatty stool脂性粪
- lipoid脂样的
- Lipemia脂血
- seborrheic dermatitis脂溢性皮炎
- lipid-globular protein mosaic model (LGPM)脂质球状蛋白镶嵌模型
- Lipids,Carbohydrates,Membranes and Membrane Proteins脂质,糖类,膜和膜蛋白质
- arachnoid layer (meninx)蜘蛛膜(脑脊髓膜)
- spider moles蜘蛛痣
- subarachnoid space (cerebrospinal fluid)蜘蛛膜下腔(脑脊髓液)
- spider veins蜘蛛状血管病
- License执照许可证
- Executive Manager执行经理
- Rectum直肠
- axial bond直(立)键
- proct-直肠,肛部
- recto-直肠,直
- archo-直肠,肛门
- proctocystotome直肠膀胱刀
- Rectal cancer直肠癌
- rectovesical fistula直肠膀胱瘘
- rectal bladder and abdominal colostomy直肠膀胱一结肠腹壁造口术
- rectovesical ponch直肠膀胱陷凹
- recto-vesico-vaginal直肠膀胱阴道的
- proctoplasty直肠成形术
- rectal atresia直肠闭锁
- rectal irrigator直肠冲洗器
- rectal irrigating catheter直肠冲洗导管
- rectal bleeding直肠出血
- rectal lamp直肠灯
- proctotome直肠刀
- rectal cautery clamp直肠电灼夹
- rectoclysis直肠滴注法
- proctorrhaphy直肠缝术
- Rectal dosage form直肠给药剂型
- rectiabdominal直肠腹部的
- rectal scoop直肠刮匙
- proctopexy直肠固定术
- rectal tube直肠管,通肛管
- archosyrinx直肠灌注器
- proctoclysis apparatus直肠灌洗器
- retrorectal abscess直肠后脓肿
- ring clamp anastomosis of rectum直肠环钳吻合术
- duhamel procedure直肠后拖也吻合巨结肠根治术
- proctoperineoplasty直肠会阴成形术
- return-flow rectal douche直肠回流冲洗器
- rectum biopsy forceps直肠活体取样钳
- proctostasis直肠积粪
- soave procedure直肠肌鞘拖出吻合巨结肠根治术
- proctocolonoscopy直肠结肠镜检查
- rectal scissors直肠剪
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination