- correct status正确姿势
- right正确的,右边的
- autosome正染色体
- orthochromasia正染色性
- autosomal inheritance正染色体遗传
- formal正式的,外型的
- orthophony正声学
- Formal experimental design正式实验设计
- Formal Bid正式投标
- Formal Authority正式授权
- Formal Reprogramming正式重新计划
- Formal stability studies正式稳定性研究
- Formal Qualification Review正式资格评审
- orthoscopic spectacles正视眼镜,直视眼镜
- orthoscopic ocular正视目镜
- methemoglobinuria正铁血红蛋白尿
- orthograph正投影图,正视图
- methemoglobinemia正铁血红蛋白血
- homotopic transplantation正位移植
- Forward Pass正推法
- orthicon正析摄橡管
- forward reaction正向反应,正反应
- n orientation正向(插入),同向(插入)[插入片段与载体同向]
- forward mutation正向突变
- orthodox sleep正向睡眠
- forward primer正向引物
- positive dromotropic action正性变传导效应
- struggle between vital qi and pathogen正邪相争
- positive inotropic action正性变力效应
- positive chronotropic action正性变时效应
- syndrome of lingering pathogen due to deficient vital qi正虚邪恋证
- positive regulation正性调节
- orthodontic pliers正牙钳
- Positive selection正选择
- orthodontics正牙学
- cheek clamp正咬夹
- orthodontist正牙学家
- cheng ying正营
- justice正义
- orthodiagraphy正影描记术
- Come into Vogue Worldwide正在(开始)流行
- orthodiagram正影描记图,X射线正形描记图
- under development正在研制
- just then正在那时
- orthomyxovirus正粘病毒
- upright metallurgical microscope正置金相显微镜
- routine treatment正治法
- median cleft lip正中唇裂
- medisection正中切开
- median palatine process正中腭突
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination