- Zang space赞格氏窝
- Zangemeister test赞格迈斯特氏试验
- Zahn infarcts赞氏梗死
- parietography脏壁(X射线)照像术
- Zahn lines赞氏线
- splanchnic mesoderm脏壁中胚层
- parietography脏壁照相术
- zang-viscera disease involving fu-viscera脏病及腑
- viscera syndrome differentiation脏腑辨证
- visceral muscles脏腑肌
- syndrome differentiation of concurrent visceral manifestation脏腑兼病辨证
- qi of zang-fu organs脏腑之气
- Zang-fu pairing脏腑相合
- oncometer脏棋积计
- zanglian pills;zanglian wan脏连丸
- oncograph脏棋积图
- viscirography脏器(X射线)造影术
- state of viscera脏象
- Rejection Number遭拒底数
- the visceral picture doctrine脏象学说
- chisel scaler凿刮器
- Premature delivery早产
- scalpriform凿形的
- premature incubator早产婴儿培养箱
- Premature Infant早产儿
- Early早的,早期
- proiosystole早发收缩
- replicative senescence早老
- early hypersensitivity早发型超敏反应
- geromorphism早老现象
- presenile depression早老性忧郁
- Alzheimer's disease早老性痴呆病
- early phage早期[有时特指病毒复制的早期]
- primary suture早期缝合
- incipient早期的,初发的
- early gene早期基因[可特指病毒]
- early antigen antibody (EA-Ab)早期抗原抗体
- early slowdown早期减速
- early generalization早期扩散
- Early syphilis早期梅毒
- early granulocyte accumulation index (EGAI)早期粒细胞聚集指数
- early promoter早期启动子[有时特指病毒]
- early postmortem phenomena早期尸体现象
- prospermia早期射精
- fetal death早期胎死
- early infantile epileptic encephalopathy (EIEE)早期幼儿癫痫性脑病
- early auditory evoked potential (EAEP)早期听觉诱发电位
- early distal proximal tubule (EDCT)早期远侧近曲小管
- early transcription早期转录[有时特指病毒]
- Breast-feeding早吸吮
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination