- hypercinesia运动机能亢进
- hyperanakinesia运动过多病
- hypomotility运动减弱
- exercise machine运动机器
- hypocinesia运动减少
- motion perception运动觉
- kinetoangle transducer运动角换能器
- kinesthetic运动觉的
- motormeter运动力计
- kinesophobia运动恐怖
- cinedensigraphy运动密度测定法
- exercise therapy运动疗法
- cinetography运动描记法
- sports injury运动伤害
- Locomotory apparatus运动器
- motor neuron disease运动神经疾病
- kinesioneurosis运动神经机能病
- motoneuron运动神经元
- sports physiology运动生理学
- Exercise Physiology运动生物学
- exercise testing system运动试验系统
- Dyskinesias运动失调
- Exercise electrocardiography运动试验心电图
- mobility运动性,移动性
- athletic injury运动外伤
- kinesioneurosis运动性神经官能症
- Kinematics运动学
- locomotor ataxy运动性运动失调
- athlete's heart运动员心脏
- moving state运动状态
- motor cell运动原细胞
- carriage paid运费已付,货价包括运费
- carriage forward运费到付,货价不包括运费
- freight prepaid运费已预付
- timber ship运木材船
- transthyretin运甲状腺素蛋白,甲状腺素运载蛋白
- luck运气
- transcortin运皮质(激)素蛋白,皮质(激)素运载蛋白
- deficiency of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors运气不及
- excess of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors运气太过
- rise and fall of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors运气盛衰
- combined analysis of five evolutive phases and six climatic factors运气相合
- translocation运输,转运,易位,转位
- yunqi doctrine运气学说
- conveyor belt运输线
- cart运输车,手推车
- Carrier运输业者,工具
- Operational Acceptance运行接受
- Operation Phase运行阶段运营阶段
- Operations Acceptance Review运行验收评审
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination