- ceptriaxone头孢噻肟二嗪
- brachiocephalic trunk头臂动脉干
- Cefazolin sodium头孢唑啉钠
- brachiocephalic trunk头臂干
- cephalomenia头部倒经
- cephalometer头部测量器,测颅器
- cephalopagus parasiticus,cephaloparasitus头部寄生胎
- cephalic tetanus头部破伤风
- cephalodymia头部联胎
- cephaloscopy头部听诊
- head injury头部损伤/颅脑损伤
- cephalhematometer头部血量计
- cephaloscope头部听诊器
- acephalemia头部血液缺乏
- Cranial头侧
- hair lotion头发洗剂
- cephalometry头测量法,测颅法
- skull breaker头盖骨破裂器
- atelocephalous头发育不全
- head holder头固定架
- dizziness头昏
- perspiration on the forehead头汗
- splenius capitis (longissimus capitis)头夹肌(头最长肌)
- head halter traction (HHTx)头颈部系带牵引
- computed axial tomographic for head and neck scanner头颈部X射线电子计算机断层扫描仪(颅脑CT)
- helmet头盔,钢盔
- cephalic vein头静脉
- craniopagus,cephalopagus头联双胎
- cephaloradiograph头颅部放射线摄影仪
- schistocephalus头裂畸胎
- cephalometric roentgenogram头颅测量X射线照片
- cephalometric roentgenography头颅测量X射线照像术
- cephalocentesis头颅穿刺术
- craniometer头颅测量计
- cephalocentesis头颅穿剌术
- skull trephine头颅环钻
- atelocephaly头颅发育不全
- skull clamp adaptor头颅夹接头
- skull clamp头颅夹
- skull clamp pin头颅夹针
- skullcap头颅帽
- craniotonometer头颅叩听诊器
- skull tongs头颅钳
- cephalograph头颅描记器
- conformator头轮廓测量器
- cephalopelvic disproportion头盆不称
- cephaloplegia头面肌瘫痪
- scalp clip头皮夹
- porrigo头皮病
- scalp retractor头皮拉钩,头皮牵开器
- postural reflex
- postural drainage
- positional plagiocephaly (flat head)
- body temperature (thermoregulation)
- TPR (temperature,pulse,respiration)
- thermometer jar
- thermometer
- temperature chart
- body temperature meter
- hypothermia (thermoregulation)
- temperature monitor
- thermometer case
- Hypothermia
- temperature module
- body temperature rhythm
- temperature indicator
- schematogram
- rest
- body-image view
- weight-related discrimination