- neuronal degeneration神经退变
- epineurial canal神经外管
- extraneural神经外的
- neuratrophia神经萎缩
- ectoderm神经外胚层
- enervation神经无力
- hypothesis of nervous system hierarchy神经系统等级说
- nervous system神经系统
- nervous system type神经系统类型
- neurotrophasthenia神经系统营养不足
- nervous system disorder神经系统失常
- neurostatus神经系统状态
- soma神经细胞体
- neurocytology神经细胞学
- neuro biotaxis神经细胞序列性
- celluloneuritis神经细胞炎
- brain神经纤维网
- neuroinidia神经细胞营养不良
- neuropsychological questionnaire神经心理问卷
- neuro biotaxis神经向性
- neuropsychic behavior神经心理行为
- Neuropsychology Abstracts神经心理学文摘
- Neuropsychology Review神经心理学评论
- transmission of neural signal神经信号传递
- neural excitement神经兴奋
- nervous stimulant神经兴奋剂
- high strung神经兴奋型的
- neurosthenia神经兴奋力过旺
- hypertarachia神经兴奋性过度
- neurotic resignation神经型退避
- nervimotion神经兴奋性运动
- neurocrinia神经性分泌作用
- thermoneurosis神经性发热
- neurospasmus神经性痉挛
- neural deafness神经性聋
- neuroclonic神经性痉挛的
- neuroparalysis神经性麻痹
- bruxomania神经性磨牙
- Anorexia nervosa神经性厌食症
- neurility神经性能
- trophesy神经性营养不良
- NCA神经循环衰弱
- neurophthalmology神经眼科学
- neuropharmacology神经药理学
- neuroid神经样的
- neurectopia神经异位
- nervous irritability神经应激性
- neural facilitation神经易化
- nerve guidance神经诱导
- Neurolinguistics神经语言学
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method