- asomatognosia身体失认
- physical fitness身体适宜性
- physical fitness test身体适宜性测验
- body adaptation身体适应
- physical fitness examination身体适宜性检测
- physical aptitude身体适应性
- bodily attitude身体态度
- Physical fitness身体素质
- Body illustration身体图式
- somatic anxiety身体性焦虑
- disorder of body schema身体图式障碍
- somagenic need身体需要
- somatogenic need身体需求
- body rocking身体摇摆
- Body image身体意象
- body sway testing身体摇摆试验
- body image distortion身体意象扭曲
- body games身体游戏
- range of body movement身体运动范围
- kinesics身体语言学
- somatoform disorder身体症状性疾患
- body therapy身体治疗法
- body narcissism身体自恋
- body posture身体姿式
- body identity身体自认
- Physical self-concept身体自我概念
- physical self身体自我
- bodily ego feeling身体自我感
- hylomorphic nature身心二元性
- body mind dualism身心二元说
- the regulation of physical and mental development身心发展规律
- wellness programs身心健康方案
- Academy of Psychosomatic Medicine身心医学学会
- mind-body身心问题
- psychosomatic disorders身心障碍
- deep reflex深部反射
- bathyhypesthesia深部感觉迟钝
- Kerandel's sign深部感觉过敏症
- bathyhyperesthesia深部感觉过敏
- deep sensibility深部感受性
- bathyanesthesia深部感觉缺失
- bathyesthesia深部觉
- deep pain深部痛
- deep body temperature深部体温
- profound analysis深层分析
- deep pressure sensitivity深部压觉
- somnium dream深层梦
- depth therapy深层治疗
- deep dyslexia深层失语症深层失语症
- depth illusion深度错觉
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method