- shop atmosphere商店气氛
- concerted商定的
- shop reputation商店信誉
- psychological function of goods packaging商品包装的心理功能
- psychological function of commodities商品的心理功能
- basic function of commodities商品的基本功能
- merchandising商品化计划
- overstocking of commodities商品积压
- commercial activities商品活动
- psychological function of goods price商品价格的心理功能
- mind of designing goods商品设计心理
- mind of naming goods商品命名心理
- life cycle of commodities商品生命周期
- mind of selling goods商品推销心理
- psychological function of shop sign商品招牌命名的心理功能
- out of stock商品脱销
- Typing Tests for Business商业打字测验
- commercial film商业广告影片
- commercial advertisement商业广告
- Journal of Business Psychology商业与心理学杂志
- commercial psychology商业心理学
- inter trial interval赏试时距
- superior semicircular canal上半规管
- upper arm circumference上臂围
- upper chest circumference上部胸围
- upper chest breadth上部胸宽
- The Upper Class上层社会
- superior olive上橄榄体
- upper difference threshold上差别阈
- Epitympanum上鼓室
- upper absolute threshold上绝对阈
- upper limit上极限
- upward bias上偏
- nucleus colliculi rostralis上丘核
- superior colliculus上丘
- superior colliculus上丘脑
- psychology in appeal上诉心理
- upper quartile上四分值
- upper arm上腕
- upper and lower motor lesions上位和下位运动损伤
- goodpoor analysis上位蚕挛环治
- good poor analysis上位-下位分析
- subordinate supervision conflict上下级冲突
- Up-and-down procedure上下法
- contextual definition上下文定义
- maximal sensation上限感觉
- anotropia上显斜视
- ceiling age上限年龄
- ceiling effect上限效应
- ceiling and floor effect上限下限效应
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method