- three track plan三轨设计
- trifluoperazine三氟甲哌氧丙嗪
- three-in-one三合一
- conditioned reflex of third order三级条件反射
- tertiary reflex三级反射
- three-grade prevention三级预防
- paraldehydism三聚乙醛中毒
- paraldehyde三聚乙醛
- three categories of judgment三类判断
- method of three categories三类法
- prismatic stimulation三棱镜刺激
- chloralose三氯醛糖
- prism glass三棱镜眼镜
- tertiary circular reaction三期循环反应
- triple receptor theory三色感受器学说三色感受器学说
- tristimulus value三色刺激值
- anomalous trichromatism三色觉异常
- trichromatic colorimeter三色色彩计
- three color theory三色论
- trichromasy三色视
- trichromatic theory三色视觉论
- trichromatic vision三色视觉
- trichromat三色视者
- three mountain problem三山问题
- Thirty-six Stratagems三十六计
- trisynaptic circuit三突触回路
- tri dimensional management style theory三维管理类型理论
- cube theory三维[度]理论
- three-dimension mode三维模式
- tri dimensional leader effectiveness model三维领导有效性模式
- three line relaxation三线放松
- three-line relaxation method三线放松法
- trilinear decomposition三线分解
- three mode factor analysis三相因子分析
- three mode three way data三相三维数据
- trigram三项元
- trisomy三性体
- theory of three stages of volitional process三心说
- method of triads三选一法
- three factor design三因子设计
- three component theory三元素论
- Trilism三元论
- three needle experiment三针实验
- The relation of the three三者关系
- three types of memory system三种记忆系统
- triplopia三重复视
- three mode model三众数模式
- triple interaction三重交互作用
- astigmometer; astigmatometer散光计
- astigmometry散光测量法
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method