- social learning theory of personality人格社会学习理论
- heritability of personality traits人格特质的遗传性
- personality trait theory人格特质理论
- Personality psychology人格心理学
- personality trait disorder人格特质障碍
- personality pattern disturbance人格型态困扰
- young students人格形成
- personality pattern disorder人格型态障碍
- factor theory of personality人格因素说
- personality factor questionnaire人格因素量表
- formative theory of personality人格造型论
- the integration of personality人格整合
- theory of crime due to personality disorder人格障碍犯罪说
- personality reorganization人格重组
- personalistic psychology人格主义心理学
- personality sphere人格总体
- personal religion人格宗教
- personality organization人格组织
- artificial system人工分类法
- labor variance人工差异
- artificial concept人工概念
- artificial lamp人工光源
- artificial hands人工手
- artificial memory人工记忆
- artificial randomization人工随机化
- artificial pupil人工瞳孔
- artificial conditioned reflex人工条件反射
- artificial signs人工信号
- artificial brain人工头脑
- MAB人和生物圈计划
- man environment system人-环境系统
- human computer conversation人机对话人机对话
- human machine engineering人机工程学人机工程学
- manmachine task performance人机工作效能
- allocation of function between man and machine人-机功能配合
- man-machine function allocation人机功能分配
- man-machine relation人机关系
- manmachine communication人机沟通
- MMES人机环境系统
- manmachineenvironment system engineering人机环境系统工程
- human-computer interaction人机交互作用
- manmachineenvironment benefit人机环境效益
- man-machine simulation人机模拟
- man machine chart人机图
- Human Machine matching人机匹配
- man-machine system人机系统
- evaluation of man machine system人-机系统评价
- evaluation of man-machine system人机系统评价
- man machine best composition人机系统优化组合
- man machine System design人机系统设计
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method