- incomplete picture test缺图测验
- oligosialia缺涎症
- absence缺席
- education for defective child缺陷儿童教育
- handicapped child缺陷儿童
- defective children缺陷儿童缺陷儿童
- beauty of defect缺陷美
- educational psychology of deficiency缺陷教育心理学
- defect psychology缺陷心理学
- handicapped缺陷者
- defective delinquent缺陷型少年犯罪
- invalidity缺效度
- decision under certainty确定情况下的决策
- ectrodactylia缺指畸形
- Defining Issues Test确定问题测验
- index of precision确定指数
- determinacy确定性
- measure of probability确率测量
- exact knowledge确切知识
- exact testing hypotheses确切检定假设
- confirming response确认反应
- certain确凿的
- really exist确实存在
- testamental确凿证据的
- gregarious instinct群集本能
- communal marriage群婚
- cluster sampling群集抽样
- crowding effect群集效应
- aggregative relationship群集关系
- intergroup conflict theory群际冲突理论
- clustering群集性
- intergroup contact hypothesis群际接触说
- intergroup perception群际知觉
- intergroup prejudice群际偏见
- genetic synecology群落发生学
- group average method群平均法
- mob群氓
- mobbing response群趋反应
- group belongingness群体从属性
- colony factors群体暗示
- group regulation群体调节
- up群体多层观察系统
- group delinquent reaction群体犯罪反应
- developmental level of group群体发展水平
- Population classification群体分类
- group syntality群体个性
- group analysis群体分析
- group constitutional determinants群体构造化要素
- community function群体功能
- group delusion群体幻觉
- children in poverty
- peniaphobia
- delusion of poverty
- unprivileged
- frequency table
- anemic anoxia
- frequency distributing
- frequency polygon
- frequency analyzer
- frequency distribution curve
- frequency characteristic
- law of frequency
- frequency histogram
- frequency diagram
- frequency theory
- sensation of frequency
- strobe light
- frequency factor
- law of frequency
- frequency estimation method