- mute tuning静噪调谐
- squelch opening level and closing level静噪开启电平和闭锁电平
- squelch opening delay and closing delay静噪开启时延和闭锁时延
- squelch detuning threshold静噪失谐门限
- squelch blocking threshold静噪阻塞门限
- still picture video-television静止图象电视电话
- image rejection ratio镜频抑制比
- image rejection mixer镜频抑制混频器
- burst and random error correction codes纠突发错和随机错码
- burst error correction codes纠突发错码
- safeguard station救生台
- sentence intelligibility句子可懂度
- absolute RF channel number (ARFCN)绝对射频信道号
- absolute phase shift keying (APSK)绝对相移键控
- r.m.s.-ripple factor均方根-波纹系数
- rms value (effective value)均方根值(有效值)
- uniform encoding均匀编码
- click喀声
- click code喀声率
- open system interconnection (OSI) reference model开放系统互连参考模型
- subscription开户入网
- opening code开门码
- immunity test level抗扰试验电平
- immunity level抗扰性电平
- immunity limit抗扰性限值
- immunity margin抗扰性余量
- immunity (to a disturbance)抗骚扰性
- antinoise microphone抗躁声送话器
- microphone effect of variable capacitor可变电容器微音效应
- Variable Divider可变分频器
- adjustable digit time slot (stuffable digit time slot)可调数位时隙(可塞入数位时隙)
- visible arc可见弧
- acceptable quality level(AQL)可接收质量水平
- reliability and maintainability assurance可靠性和维修性保证
- picture phone,view phone可视电话机
- reliability可信度
- usable power flux density (Pu)可用功率通量密度
- prescalar divider division ratio可预置分频器分频比
- air separation空分
- space laser communication空间激光通信
- space station空间站(电台)
- deep space network (DSN)空深网
- empty facility空闲信道
- idle channel detection空闲信道检测
- station-keeping satellite控位卫星
- program of control system控制系统的程序
- parallel algorithm控制系统误差
- end of block(EOB)块结束符
- block check procedure块校验规程
- fast pull-in range快捕带
- exclusive-NOR gate
- AND gate
- (frequency) bandwidth
- dispatcher
- amplitude modulation (AM) station
- asymmetry of AM envelope
- amplitude modulation (AM) noise
- FM radio telephone
- frequency-modulation noise
- linearity of tuning
- justifying digit (stuffing digit)
- justification service digits
- modulation hum
- modulation limiting
- cabinet radiation
- broadcasting station on airplane
- basic transmission loss (of a radio link)
- basic service (of GSM)
- basic handover procedure