- Three-point shot三分投篮
- three roots tsawa sum三根本
- tripolar system三极体系
- three pointed pkt.三尖袋
- slv. placket三尖袖叉
- three worlds三界
- triangular pass三角传球
- Samadhi三昧
- samaya dam tsig三昧耶
- Samaya Tara Yogini三昧耶度母
- Three-second violation三秒违例
- sandwich三明治,夹肉面包
- samadhi ting-ngen dzin三摩地
- Sanpin Jing Jiu (500ml 38°)三品京酒(500毫升38度)
- Sanpin Jing Jiu (500ml 52°)三品京酒(500毫升52度)
- checks and balances三权分立,权力制衡
- tripe room三人房(三张单人床)
- Squid Rolls Stuffed with Bean,Ham and Egg Yolk三色中卷
- Sautéed Abalone Mushrooms and Vegetables三色鲍鱼菇
- three Hill at Dawn三山晓色
- Three quintessential spiritual power三善根(慈悲、智慧、信愿)学佛三要
- Three kayas三身
- Huadiao Shaoxing (30 Years) Medium Sweet三十年花雕
- Braised Ham,Mushroom and Bamboo Shoot in Shark's Fin Soup三丝翅羹
- Spring Rolls Stuffed with Three Delicacies三丝春卷
- Black Fungus with Cucumber and Vermicelli三丝木耳
- Salmon Sashimi三文鱼刺身
- Grilled Salmon with Lime and Butter三文鱼扒配青柠黄油
- Rice with Salmon三文鱼饭
- Three Gorges Project三峡工程
- Three Gorges migrants三峡移民
- Sautéed Tofu with Three Delicacies三鲜豆腐
- Braised Sea Cucumber with Three Delicacies三鲜海参
- Stir-Fried Noodles with Three Fresh Delicacies三鲜焦炒面
- Pan-Fried Baozi Stuffed with Three Delicacies三鲜水煎包
- Deep-Fried Duck Rolls Stuffed with Taro三鲜鸭包芋艿
- Baozi Stuffed with Three Fresh Delicacies三鲜小笼包
- average hotel(three -star hotel)三星级饭店
- Jinliufu Three-Star (High/Low)三星金六福(高、低)
- Jinliufu(150ml)三星金六福(三两)
- three feature三性
- overseas-invested enterprises;foreign-invested enterprises (Chinese-overseas equity joint ventures,Ch三资企业(中外合资、中外合作、外商独资)
- emission rate散发污染物速率
- emission factor散发污染物系数
- seam slippage散口
- sang-gyey桑结
- Samye Monastery桑耶寺
- form realm色界
- blazering色彩鲜艳的运动上衣
- Akanishta色究竟天
- "shuttle diplomacy"
- damaru
- the principle of "tightening collection and management,plugging up loopholes,punishing corruption and clearing up overd
- "ping-pong diplomacy"
- Air ball
- swastika
- flop
- Pack
- party
- Acting President
- Vice President
- President/Chancellor
- run on banks
- Integration process
- Consumption abroad
- Cross border supply
- Commercial presence
- natural person
- Presence of natural person
- Sweet Martini,Italy