- lightcyan浅青色
- lightsalmon浅肉色
- lightcoral浅珊瑚色
- lightskyblue浅天蓝色
- piping/insert嵌边
- jetted/welt pkt嵌边袋
- squid枪乌贼,鱿鱼
- piping trimmed pocket,separate-welt pocket;welt pocket嵌线袋
- Strong side强侧
- policy of tightening up environmental management强化环境管理的政策
- coercive diplomacy强制性外交
- bracket墙上突出之托架
- Box out抢篮板球挡人
- rescue crew抢险救援组,
- Spicy Cucumbers炝黄瓜
- W. B. Black Label Cab-Sauv Shiraz乔富酒庄 黑牌赤霞珠-西拉
- Gautama乔答摩
- George Kennan乔治 凯南
- George Canning乔治 坎宁
- George Town乔治城
- Mantou with Buckwheat荞麦馒头
- Mixed Seaweed巧拌海茸
- Iced Chocolate Coffee巧克力冰咖啡
- Chocolate Wafer巧克力薄脆饼
- Chocolate Mousse巧克力木司
- chocolate milk巧克力奶
- Chocolate Milk Tea巧克力奶茶
- Truffle Chocolate Cake巧克力软糖蛋糕
- Chocolate Milkshake巧克力奶昔
- Chocolate Muffins巧克力松饼
- Chocolate Hazelnut Cake巧克力榛子蛋糕
- ingehious design巧妙设计
- pith窍诀
- Handmade Noodles with Minced Pork and Diced Eggplant茄丁肉酱手擀面
- stewed fish slices with tomato sauce茄汁烩鱼片
- Rice Served with Fried Sausage and Tomato Sauce茄汁泥肠饭
- Duck Soup with Tomato Sauce茄汁鸭块汤
- Noodles with Eggplant and Diced Pork茄子肉丁打卤面
- Sautéed Celery with Dried Tofu Slices芹菜炒香干
- Chinta Yogini钦塔瑜珈女
- Sautéed Shredded Pork with Celery芹菜肉丝
- Sautéed Black Fungus with Celery芹香木耳
- Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor秦始皇陵
- Poultry and Eggs禽蛋类
- capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers擒贼擒王
- bluish white青白色
- zit青春痘
- Qingci Huadiao(5 Years) Medium Sweet青瓷五年
- Qingci Zhengpin Erguotou(500ml 46°)青瓷珍品二锅头
- Tsingtao Draft青岛扎啤/青岛生啤
- "shuttle diplomacy"
- damaru
- the principle of "tightening collection and management,plugging up loopholes,punishing corruption and clearing up overd
- "ping-pong diplomacy"
- Air ball
- swastika
- flop
- Pack
- party
- Acting President
- Vice President
- President/Chancellor
- run on banks
- Integration process
- Consumption abroad
- Cross border supply
- Commercial presence
- natural person
- Presence of natural person
- Sweet Martini,Italy