- gyle蒸煮汁
- warping department整经车间
- warping length整经长度
- warper整经机
- warper’sknot整经结
- warping width整经宽度
- warping comb整经梳
- warpbeamingspeed; warpingspeed整经速度
- beaming creel整经轴架
- beaming appliance整经装置
- finishing method整理法
- finish machine整理机
- finishing agent整理剂
- finisher整理机,果浆擦碎过滤器
- finishing blanket整理毯
- uniformityratio整齐度比
- back and face effect正背效应
- rhombic sulphur正交硫
- ortho-cortex正皮质层
- Zhengwei正纬
- weft straightener正纬器
- filling straightener,straightener正纬装置
- main fermentation症酵
- regulartwill; normaltwill; common,twill; ordinarytwill正则斜纹
- branched chain molecule支链分子
- metric fineness支数
- numbering支数测定
- metrical system of numbering支数测定公制体系
- count deviation支数偏差
- count testing支数试验
- count strength product支数强力乘积
- count tester支数试验机
- juiciness汁液性
- fabric selvage织边
- selvage feeler织边探针
- selvedge apparatus织边装置
- darning device织补装置
- grannyknot; singlethumbknot,lockknot; weaver’sknot; crossknot织布结
- pick counter织机产量表
- mending needle织布用针
- loom back rest织机的后梁
- loom take up织机卷取装置
- loom winder织机卷纬器
- loom batten织机筘
- picker织机皮结
- fell织口
- driving pulley织皮带盘
- driving roller织罗拉
- fabric backing织物背面
- nature of cloth surface织物表面特性