- accelerated motion of shuttle梭子加速运动
- speed of shuttle梭子速度
- passage of shuttle梭子通道
- motion of shuttle梭子运动
- shortening缩短,起酥油
- neck-in缩幅
- polycondensation fiber缩聚纤维
- fulling process缩绒工艺
- serging stitch锁边针法
- locking ring锁定环
- lock knitting锁缝编织
- lock stitch;lock stitching锁式针迹
- tafia塔菲亚酒
- taslan塔斯纶
- footlever; treadingrod踏杆
- tread踏面
- tappet motion踏盘开口装置
- cambowl踏盘转子
- harnesscam踏综盘
- tappet shape踏综盘形状
- Taber machine泰伯磨耗试验机
- sandalwood oil檀香油
- felt毯
- carbonizer炭化机
- carbonized yarn炭化纱
- carbonizing wool rags炭化碎呢
- carbonizedragfibre炭化碎呢纤维
- carbonizedwool炭化羊毛
- carbonizing apparatus炭化装置
- char filter炭滤器
- tentative experiment探嗽实验
- hydrocarbon碳化氢
- carbonatation mud碳酸饱和泥
- enamel furnace搪瓷锅
- innersole膛底
- saccharimetry糖度测定法
- desaccharification糖分抽提
- sugar powder糖粉
- confectionery,confectionery factory,confectionery works糖果厂
- confectionary oven糖果点心烤炉
- sugar bowl糖盒
- saccharification糖化
- mash tank糖化大槽
- glucoamylase糖化淀粉酶
- mashing system糖化法
- saccharification time糖化时间
- mashing test糖化试验
- saccharification rest糖化停顿
- mashing tub; mashing tun; mash tub; mash tun糖化桶
- saccharification period糖化周期