- yellow japan silk日本种黄茧丝
- solar bleaching ;grass bleaching日光漂白
- sunlight stability日光稳定性
- solar drying,sun drying,drying in the sun日晒干燥
- sunlight flavor日晒味
- roller clearing apparatus绒辊清洁装置
- pile; tuft绒头
- pile length绒头长
- tufted bedspread绒头床单布
- pile height绒头高
- pilewarp; napwarp绒头经纱
- pileyarn绒头纱线
- pileweft; pilefilling绒头纬纱
- pilefabric,velvet article绒头织物
- solvent adhesive溶剂胶
- indigosole dye溶靛素染料
- solvent tolerance溶剂容许溶解度
- solvent emulsion溶剂乳浊液
- solvent scouring溶剂洗毛
- solvent bonding溶剂粘合法
- solvent assisted dyeing溶剂助染
- undermodified malt溶解不良麦芽
- enthalpy of solution溶解热函
- continuous circulation of liquor溶液连续循环
- solution type binder溶液型粘着剂
- weld line熔合痕
- fusion welding熔焊接
- melt index熔化指数
- Weldline熔接缝
- welding heat熔接热
- melt spinning process熔体纺丝法
- melt zone熔体区
- meat肉
- mellow hand;soft feel,soft handle柔软手感
- galantine肉冻
- botulism肉毒梭菌中毒
- meat meal肉粉
- meat mixer肉混和机
- comb肉冠,精梳
- meat processing肉加工
- meatpacking肉类加工业
- minced meat ball肉末丸子
- meat extract肉浓汁
- meat slice肉片
- meatball肉丸
- creep testing蠕变试验法
- lactalbumin乳白朊
- emulsion adhesive乳胶粘合剂
- milkstone乳结石
- curdling乳凝