- rearview mirror后视镜
- aftersoftening后柔软整理
- afterwash后洗净
- postforming sheet后形成叠板
- cotton lasting厚实棉斜绞织物
- finishing后整理
- heavy fabric厚重织物
- greatcoat厚重长大衣
- respiration coefficient呼吸系数
- paste starch糊化淀粉
- dextrinization糊精化
- shuttleguard护梭装置
- goggles护目眼镜
- frill yarn,lace;gauze花边纱
- brocade warp花缎经纱
- graniteweave花岗石组织
- damaskweave花缎组织
- pedicel花梗
- engraved roll花滚筒
- fancy knotted yarn花式打结纱
- cockade花结
- fancy brocade花式缎纹
- fancy twisted yarn;fancy twists;fancy,twisting花式捻线
- fancy twist yarn花式捻线纱
- fancy twister花式捻线机
- fancy color花式色彩
- fabric with the figure in weft花式纬纱织物
- fancy yarn花式纱
- fancy doubler;fancy doubling frame花式线并捻机
- goods,texturedfabric; fancyarticle;fancy,fancies,fancy cloth; structuralfabric花式织物
- tapestry fabric花毯织
- fancy structures;fancy stitch, fancyweave,noveltyweave; novelty花式组织
- figured glass花纹玻璃
- pattern area花纹面积
- pattern definition花纹符号表示
- patterndraft花纹组织图
- enfleurage花香提取法
- repeat of pattern花纹组织循环
- patternpaper花样设计纸
- waffle oven华夫饼烤炉
- ski pants滑雪裤子
- serge yarn哗叽毛纱
- Sliding滑移
- chemical modified protein fiber化学变性蛋白纤维
- grease content滑油含量
- chemical decomposition化学分解
- industrial fabric of man made fibers化学纤维工业用织物
- chemical plasticizing化学塑性化
- chemical fiber fabric化学纤维织物
- Reductive bleaching还原漂白