- tumbling mixer转鼓式混合器
- reprint method转写法
- transfering roller;transferring roller;tumbler, transport roller转移辊
- transfer coating,transport coating转移涂布
- transfer printing machine转移印花机
- assembly adhesive装配胶合剂
- bottle,bottling装瓶
- strength of the stroke撞豢度
- effect yarn spinning frame装饰纱用细纱机
- added filter追加过滤器
- particle tracking method追踪技术
- tracer fiber追踪纤维
- cone wheel锥轮
- tapered tube锥形筒管
- bicone,tapered bobbin;cone;conical package锥形筒子
- coner,cone winding machine;coning machine锥形筒子络筒机
- cone winding锥形筒子卷绕
- conical blender锥型掺和机
- proteid缀朊
- combing preparation准备工序
- preparing machine准备机械
- preparatory drawing准备牵伸
- Ready time准备时间
- table cloth桌布
- staining and wiping machine着色机
- table wine桌餐葡萄酒
- seed hair fiber籽纤维
- snap fastener子母钮
- perithecium子襄壳
- ultraviolet microscopy紫外光显微镜法
- ultra-violet inhibitor紫外线抑制剂
- self supporting package自撑式卷装
- autoleveler gillbox自等整针梳机
- weighing hoppper feeder自缔箱给棉机
- superleveler自等整装置
- automatic feeder自跌棉机
- self threading of weft自动穿纬纱
- self threading shuttle自动穿线梭子
- automatic knotting自动打结
- automatic multishuttle loom自动多梭织机
- automatic seamer自动缝边机
- automatic shuttle changing自动换梭
- automatic juice extractor自动果汁压榨机
- automaticweftreplenishment自动换纡
- recording thermometer自动记录式温度计
- automatic cop winder;autoguill winder自动卷纬机
- automatic winding自动络纱
- automatic winder自动络纱机
- automatic doffing system;automatic doffer;automatic lap doffer自动落卷装置
- automated batch manufacturing system自动批量生产体系