- advancing system前进式开采法
- beam support前探梁
- pilot tunnel前探平硐
- dormant fire潜伏火灾
- potential reserves潜在储量
- red diamond浅红晶石
- narrow web mining浅截深采煤
- shallow mine浅矿
- short hole method浅眼开采法
- short hole drilling浅眼钻凿
- under load欠载装药
- one man drill歉锹砖
- susceptibility强磁性矿物
- high intensity drum强磁转筒
- chance process强斯砂浮法
- chance cone强斯型圆锥洗煤机
- powerful强有力的
- forced block caving强制分段崩落开采
- wall crae墙装起重机
- tapping敲帮向顶,泄放
- roof tapping敲顶
- bridge桥连
- bridge conveyor桥式输送机
- weigh bridge桥式天秤
- transfer bridge桥式转载吊车
- waste edge chock切顶支架
- shearing stress切强度
- cutting ability切宪力
- tangential pick切向截齿
- hydrophilic surface亲水面
- hydrophilic亲水性的
- intrusive侵入的
- hydrohalloysite氢化多水高岭土
- light hammer drill轻冲魂
- light hydraulic prop轻形液压支柱
- light loading轻装药
- tipping gear倾倒机构
- rake倾斜,耙子
- break in declivity倾斜变化
- obliquity倾斜度
- shoofly倾斜短联络风巷
- rill cut and fill method倾斜分层充填采煤法
- inclined cut and fill倾斜分层充填回采
- rill cutting倾斜分层回采
- sloping clices mining倾斜分层开采
- diagonal slicing倾斜分层开采法
- inclined grizzly倾斜格筛
- driving up the pitch倾斜掘进
- angle face倾斜工祖
- underlay lode倾斜矿脉