- report of changes in assets condition资产状况变动报告
- capital lease资产租赁
- Qualification share资格股
- Qualification资格,资格证书
- Qualifications inventories资格数据库
- fund资金、基金
- operation of capital资金的运用
- shortage of funds资金短缺
- Fund transfer资金划拨
- formula for the recovery of funds资金回收
- fund remittance and transfer资金汇划
- contribution of funds资金捐献
- accounts of sources of funds资金来源账户
- capital flow资金流动
- flow of funds analysis资金流转分析
- cash flow analysis,flow-of-fund analysis,funds flow analysis资金流量分析
- fund financing资金融通
- Capital market资金市场
- charge and discharge statement资金收支表
- accounts of applications of funds资金运用账户
- revaluation of asset资金重估
- capital turnover资金周转,资本周转
- capital position资金状况
- disclosure requirements资料公开的要求
- Information memorandum资料备忘录
- Severance Pay资遣费
- credit information资信调查
- credit standing资信状况
- advisory committee资询,顾问委员会
- Information & Referral/Panel Counselling Section资讯及转介/刑事辅导组
- Information Technology Department资讯科技处
- IT Consultant资讯科技顾问
- Head Instructional Technology Branch资讯科技科科长
- Head,IT Projects资讯科技项目主任
- Head IT System Management Branch资讯科技系统管理科科长
- SO IT Applications资讯科技应用高级执行员
- SO IT Support资讯科技支援高级执行员
- OC IT Support资讯科技支援主管
- Resource资源,财力
- Resource allocation资源分配
- Equipment or Technology Used for Reclamation of Resources资源回收设备或技术
- Areas of Scanty Natural Resources or Slow Development资源贫瘠或发展迟缓地区
- Resource tax资源税
- resources optimization deployment资源优化配置
- qualification资质
- Subsidiary子公司,分公司,附属公司
- Coupon rate孳息率,票息
- Baby Funds/Underlying Funds子基金
- captive insurance company自保公司
- captive pools自保组合
- Patriot missile
- X-mark a signature
- Foundations Network Ltd.
- to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
- "check-the-box" rule
- yo-yo stock
- People-first values
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates
- WT watertight
- Like water off (on) a duck's back
- TAL traffic and accident loss
- actual cash value
- a/r all risks
- Royal Ulster Constabulary
- extra issue
- actionable subsidy
- subunderwriting,distribution
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force
- engineering
- awareness