- All-China Sports Federation中华全国体育总会
- All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots中华全国台湾同胞联谊会
- All-China Journalists'Association中华全国新闻工作者协会
- PRC - People's Republic of China中华人民共和国(中国)
- Patent Office of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国专利局
- Administration of Fishery and Fishing Harbor Supervision of the PRC中华人民共和国渔政渔港监督管理局
- Chinese Medical Associaition中华医学会
- Higher Nursing Officer中级护士长
- Higher Interpreter中级通译员
- intermediate People's Court中级人民法院
- Intermediate中间的,半成品
- Mediator中间人,调解人,经济人
- interim finance中间金融
- intermediary brand中间商品牌
- intermediate account中间帐户
- intermediate bank中间银行
- Zhongjian Ceramic Manufacture Factory中建瓷业制作厂
- neutral money中介货币
- intermediary agency中介机构,中间机构
- Intermediary中介机构,中介人
- intermediary trade中介贸易
- agency market中介市场
- Intermediary bank中介银行
- Sino-American Joint Venture Lianyungang Magic Stairs Manufacture Co.,Ltd.中美合资连云港美高楼梯制造有限公司
- mainstay中流砥柱
- Shijiazhuang Goldman Foundry Co.,Ltd.中美合资石家庄藁美铸造有限公司
- non-targeting strategic nuclear weapons against each other中美战略核武器互不瞄准对方
- Central American Common Market(CACM)中美洲共同市场
- medium term loan中期贷款
- intermediate insurance中期保险
- medium-term liability中期负债
- medium-term finance中期金融
- interim audit中期审计
- MTN中期票据
- mid-term credit中期信贷
- medium term debt中期债务
- medium term capital中期资本
- Mid career crisis sub stage中期职业危机阶段
- The four principles of Sino-Japanese friendship: peace and friendship,equality and mutual benefit,mut中日友好四项原则:和平友好,平等互利,互相信赖,长期稳定
- Zhongshan Delicacy Bathroom Co.,Ltd.中山德立洁具有限公司
- Zhongshan Kongwa Shower Equipment Co.,Ltd.中山港华卫浴有限公司
- Taiwan Juguang - Dongyuan Remote Control Door Co.,Ltd.中山巨光东元遥控门有限公司
- Zhongshan Ribow Sanitaryware Science and Technology Co.,Ltd.中山瑞宝卫浴科技有限公司
- Zhongshan Aimas Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.中山市爱马仕洁具有限公司
- Zhongshan Aomin Electronic Co.,Ltd.中山市奥敏电子有限公司
- Zhongshan Andme Sanitary Ware Co.,Ltd.中山市安得美卫浴产品有限公司
- Zhongshan Better Bathroom Equipment Co.,Ltd.中山市博图卫浴设备有限公司
- Zhongshan Depi Bathing Equipment Co.,Ltd.中山市德派洁具有限公司
- Zhongshan Denvey Shower Range Factory中山市丹佛淋浴房制造厂
- Zhongshan Guzhen Yige Bathroom Equipment Factory中山市古镇意格浴室设备厂