- interbank funding拆借
- S split or stock divided拆股或股息
- Stripped securities拆开证券
- decollate,unravel拆散
- occupant拆迁户
- feathered assets掺水资产
- Finished product Inventory产成品库存
- Zen禅
- Output risk产量风险
- output-capital ratio产出与资本的比率
- yield产量收益,收益率
- product strategy产品策略
- grade products according to quality产品按质分等
- the plan of product costs产品成本计划
- Product Registration产品登记
- cost items of product产品成本项目
- Product Manager产品经理
- Product concept产品观念
- product development产品开发
- technological element of a product产品科技含量
- Product Development Department产品开发部
- growth stage of product life cycle产品生命周期的成长阶段
- the product life cycle产品市场寿命周期
- LCA (Life Cycle Analysis)产品生命周期分析
- cost of product life cycle产品寿命周期成本
- life cycle of products产品寿命周期
- Product Numbers产品统一编号
- product flaw产品瑕疵
- capital invested in product产品投入资本
- breath or diversity of product lines产品线的宽度或多样性
- breath of product assortment产品线的宽度
- cost of goods sold产品销售成本
- Product Support Manager产品支持经理
- product liability law产品责任法
- goods producers产品制造商
- Change of title产权变更
- product-mix pricing产品组合定价
- registration of property right产权登记
- change of title产权变更,所有权变更
- Annual checks of the registration of property rights产权登记年检
- Institution of Property-right Exchange产权交易机构
- property right exchange产权交易
- clear property right产权清晰
- definition of property right产权界定
- Clearly defining property rights,specifying rights and产权清晰,责权明确,政企分开
- Property rights transfer产权转让
- property system reform产权制度改革
- property rights transfer agency产权转让机构(产权交易所)
- proprietary lease产权租赁
- equity capital transaction产权资本转让
- Patriot missile
- X-mark a signature
- Foundations Network Ltd.
- to think of the source of getting rich and of making progress after becoming affluence
- "check-the-box" rule
- yo-yo stock
- People-first values
- UAE the Union of Arab Emirates
- WT watertight
- Like water off (on) a duck's back
- TAL traffic and accident loss
- actual cash value
- a/r all risks
- Royal Ulster Constabulary
- extra issue
- actionable subsidy
- subunderwriting,distribution
- UITF Urgent Issue Task Force
- engineering
- awareness