- vegetable tanned pig belt leather植物鞣猪带革
- vegetable semi-tanned pig skin split植物鞣猪二层皮
- vegetable tanned pig sole leather植物鞣猪底革
- vegetable pig leather for lining植物鞣猪皮衬里革
- auxanometer植物生长计
- vegetable pig sole leather植物鞣猪皮鞋底革
- vegetableproteinfibre植物性蛋白质纤维
- plant fiber cloth植物纤维布
- Chinese herbs植物药材
- vegetable tallow candle植物脂蜡烛
- botanical medicated wine植物药酒
- deodorant cream止臭膏
- buffer stop止冲器
- stop plate止动片
- non-return trap止回汽水阀
- dog,detent; retainer ; stop止动器
- cough syrup of loquat leaf止咳枇杷糖浆
- cough syrup bottle filler止咳糖浆装瓶机
- cough drop止咳糖
- tablet of antibechic and antiasthmatica止咳止喘片
- Zhike Pills止咳丸
- adipsa止渴剂
- wheel stopper止轮器
- antidysenteric止痢药
- semifluid extract for relieving cough and asthma止嗽定喘膏
- dover's powder止痛发汗粉
- blocking chrome止碳硅铬铁
- ethenzamide止痛灵
- analgesia止痛剂
- anodyne止痛药
- Antiemetic止吐药
- balm止痛药膏
- thrust bearing止推轴承
- axial roller bearing止推滚柱轴承
- thrust shaft bearing止推轴轴承
- anti-diarrhoica止泻剂
- backstop tongs止退钳
- antidiarrheals止泻药
- aminomethylbenzoic acid止血芳酸
- gynura sagittata止血丹
- cyclonamine injection止血敏注射液
- Acidum tranexamicum止血环酸
- haemostat machine止血器
- hemostatic止血散
- hemostatic forceps止血钳
- stanch fiber止血纤维
- hemostatic止血药
- styptic plaster止血橡皮膏
- glass melted from batch only只用配合料熔制的玻璃
- Antipruritic drugs止痒药
- faille drapery
- double warps
- line controlled-oscillator
- lisle thread singlet
- coil wrapping machine
- line test connector
- head cutter for circuit-plate
- line telegraph unit
- line log amplifier
- line-voltage regulator
- line transmitter
- line amplifier bay
- line isolation transformer
- line fault locator
- circuit disturbance tester
- line fault pulsing telemeter
- line wiper
- line monitor
- line switch controller
- line switching concentrator