- active tonnage在营运吨位
- brubu在印度东部的一种飑
- in soundings在有测量水深的地区
- under shore在用支柱撑着的情况下
- on the starboard beam在右舷正横前
- astarboard在右舷,向右舷
- broad on the starboard quarter在右斜尾方向
- broad on the starboard bow在右斜首方向
- beyond在远处,超过的……的范围,除……以外
- in place在原位
- lie the course在预定的航线上
- in transit在运输途中
- below clouds在云下
- in transit在运输中,在航行中
- in transit在运输中
- in dispute在争执中
- bear abeam在正横方向
- right aft在正船尾
- bear astern在正后方
- abaft the beam在正横以后
- in commission在执行中
- on right cant在正斜向
- active list在职人员名册
- continuous discharge book在职记录
- interlocutory award在仲裁程序进行中所作的非最后裁决
- centric在中心的
- in the stream在中流
- beaching phase on heavy ice在重冰上搁浅阶段
- initial impulse phase on heavy ice在重冰上初冲阶段
- survey in loading port在装货港检验
- around在周围
- meridian sailing在子午线上的航行
- despatch half demurrage on working time saved both ends在装卸两港节省的时间
- on the port quarter在左舷船尾方向
- aport在左舷
- broad on the port bow在左斜首方向
- on the port beam在左舷正横前
- cover note暂保单
- broad on the port quarter在左斜尾方向
- ambiguous name of ship暂定船名
- spike fastening暂钉
- convention暂定条约
- provisional design暂定设计
- transitory variation暂时变化
- moratorium暂禁
- temporary magnetisation暂时磁化
- nominal premium暂时不收保费
- ad interium暂时的
- temporary storage暂时存储
- temporary customs import暂时关税