- party coloured,varicolored杂色的
- assorted coloured bulb with swan cap杂色插口灯泡
- stray load loss杂散负载损失
- parti colored buoy杂色浮瓣
- assorted coloured bulb杂色灯泡
- assorted coloured bulb with Edison cap杂色螺口灯泡
- parti colored buoy杂色浮标
- miscellaneous copper杂铜
- miscellaneous business杂务
- miscellaneous chart杂图
- general work杂务杂项工程
- general work杂务,杂项工程
- deck locker杂物柜
- ditty bag杂物袋
- glove box杂物箱
- sundry space杂物室
- miscellaneous wiring杂项敷线
- Miscellaneous杂项
- miscellaneous equipment杂项设备
- miscellaneous provisions杂项规定
- miscellaneous power杂项用电
- miscellaneous dangerous substances杂项危险物质
- ship service air reservoir杂用储气柜
- service pump杂用泵
- miscellaneous auxiliaries杂用辅助船
- miscellaneous ship杂用船
- fox杂用小绳,狐,变色
- jolly boat杂用艇
- magazine杂志,箱,仓库,弹药库
- magazine杂志,库房,料斗,胶卷盒
- impurity杂质,不纯
- magazine杂志库房
- impurities杂质限度
- extrinsic range杂质导电区
- Disaster insurance灾害保险
- Bastard Vessel杂种船
- hazard identification灾难认别
- disaster action plan灾害行动计划
- carrier telegraph,carrier telegraphy载波电报
- wireless transition载波传输
- current protection载波电流保护装置
- carrier telephone载波电话
- carrier amplifier载波放大器
- carrier voltage载波电压
- intercarrier distance载波间距离
- tracking loop载波跟踪回路
- carrier detector载波检波器
- intercarrier noise suppression载波间噪声抑制
- carrier-suppression filter载波滤波器
- carrier air载波空气