- anticipated payment预付(货)
- deposit premium预付保费
- prepaid预付的
- advance corporation tax预付公司税
- advance payment预付款
- advance money预付款,预付工资
- Indemning Paid in Advance预付赔款
- advance note预付票据
- anticipation anticipator预感器
- pre-narrate预告
- booking passage预购船票
- pro forma disbursement预估使费
- discreet value预估值
- maximum credible accident预估最大可能损伤事故
- prenormalize预规格化
- pre-superheater预过热器
- estimated performance speed预计船速
- expected date of arrival预计到达日期
- estimated time to arrive预计到达时间
- estimated预计的
- estimated time of return预计返航时间,预计返回时间
- expected time of return预计返回时间
- estimated cost预计费用
- projected range预计航程
- desired track预计航迹
- estimated course预计航向
- estimated time of completion of discharging预计货卸毕时间
- estimated time of completion of loading预计货装妥时间
- estimated time of refueling预计加油时间
- expected time of delivery预计交船期
- expected time of delivery预计交船时间
- expected approach time预计接近时间
- estimated amount预计金额
- estimated time of departure预计开航时间
- estimated time of sailing预计开航时间,预计航行时间
- expected time of departure预计开航时间,预计离开时间
- estimated time of commencement预计开始时间
- estimated time of starting discharge预计开始卸货时间
- estimated time of starting loading预计开始装货时间
- estimated time of commencement of loading预计开始装载时间
- expected time of commencement of discharging预计开卸时间
- expected time of commencement of loading预计开装时间
- estimated time of berthing预计靠泊时间
- estimated time of departure预计离港时间
- estimated time of departure预计启航时间
- estimated time预计时间
- estimated disbursement预计使费
- prospective income预计收入
- predicted data; scheduled data预计数据
- presumed loss预计损失