- ullage port (oil tank)油面测距孔
- heptane-to-brim油面高度
- ullage table油面深度容积表
- film-cooled blade油膜冷却叶片
- film stability油膜稳定性
- oil film effect油膜影响
- bearing helmet油膜轴承合金
- oil stained rag油抹布
- ink recorder油墨记录器
- oil sludge油泥
- desludging equipmint油泥清除设备
- oil sampling油品取样
- ejection of oil油喷射
- paints and lacquers protection油漆保护
- paint roughness油漆粗糙度
- drying period油漆干燥期
- paint work油漆工作
- paint roller油漆滚刷
- paint store,paint room油漆间
- paint store油漆库
- paint brush油漆刷
- painting油漆涂漆
- wet paint油漆未干
- oil paint thinners油漆稀释剂
- painting stage油漆用手脚架或吊架
- alligatoring of paint油漆皱裂
- oil manifold油歧管
- enamel finish油漆最后加工
- air oil actuator油-气分离器
- gas and oil seperating plant油气分离站
- Pipeline油气管线
- oil gasification油气化
- oil impingement油气浸蚀
- oil diffusion pump油气扩散真空泵
- tank gas-freeing installation油气驱除设备
- air oil actuator油-气作用器
- OSR油汽比
- gas and oil separating plant油汽分离站
- oil-gun油枪
- oil vessel油容器
- oil varnish油清漆
- oil flash point油闪点
- oil scoop油勺油刮
- oil wick lubrication bearing,wick lubrication,oil wick lubrication油绳润滑
- tarred cordage油绳
- oil syphon lubricator,wick-feed oiler,wick lubricator油绳润滑器
- oil-lift bearing,wick lubricated bearing油绳润滑轴承
- wick hole油绳注油孔
- oil tester油试验器
- oil brush油刷