- labor纵横摇摆
- pitch and roll buoy纵横摇观测浮标
- gyro pitch and roll recorder纵横摇陀螺记录仪
- crossbar automatic telephone exchange,crossbar automatic telephone system纵横制自动电话交换机
- vertical clearance纵间距
- longitudinal plane纵截面
- Isherwood framing纵肋架式
- longitudinal framing纵肋架式,纵肋骨
- longitudinal framed vessel纵肋架式船
- longitudinal system纵肋结构
- Isherwood framing纵肋结构系统
- vertical beam纵梁
- tandem launching纵列下水
- rocker keel line纵挠龙骨线
- longitudinal balance纵平衡
- outline inboard profile纵剖面布置图
- longitudinal cut analysis method of ship wave纵剖面船行波分析法
- buttock line纵剖剖线
- buttocks,buttock line纵剖线
- buttock纵剖线船尾型
- bow and buttock lines纵剖型线
- longitudinal strength calculation纵强度计算
- lognitudinal modulus纵强度剖面模数
- pitch attitude纵倾,纵摇位置
- trim纵倾
- trim pump sea stop valve纵倾泵海水止回阀
- trimratio纵倾比
- Trim change纵倾变化
- alteration of trim纵倾变值
- trim difference纵倾差
- change of trim纵倾调整
- trim tab纵倾调整片
- trim and stability纵倾和稳性计算书
- trimming calculation纵倾计算
- trim sheet纵倾计算表
- trim diagram纵倾计算图表
- rake angle纵倾角
- trim flap纵倾襟翼
- trimming arm纵倾力臂
- longitudinal moment纵倾力矩
- trimmed displacement纵倾排水量
- fore-and-aft balance纵倾平衡
- trimming纵倾平衡调整修整
- trim pump纵倾平衡系统泵
- peak tank纵倾平稳水舱
- trimming tank纵倾平稳水舱,尖舱
- trim curve纵倾曲线
- trimmed waterline纵倾水线
- trim and stability book纵倾稳性记录簿
- trim correction纵倾修正