- automatic fixed telecommunication network自动固定电信网络
- automatic fault isolation test自动故障隔离测试
- automatic fault finding自动故障探测
- automatic fault finding and maintenance自动故障探测和维护
- automatic fault signalling自动故障信号装置
- automatic fault diagnosis自动故障诊断
- self closing door自动关闭门
- autonavigator自动惯性导航仪
- self-reducing tachometer自动归算测速仪
- automatic overload circuit breaker自动过载断路器
- automatic sea water distiller自动海水蒸馏器
- automatic welding自动焊
- Automatic welding machine自动焊机
- automaticwelding head自动焊机头
- tractor head自动焊接头
- automatic welding head自动焊头
- automatic notice to mariners system自动航海通告系统
- automatic plot tracer自动航迹标绘仪
- automatic chart-line follower自动航线追随装置
- automatic navigation warning自动航行报警
- autotension-mooring自动恒定拉力绞缆
- automatic towing constant tension winch自动恒张力拖缆机
- automatic weighter自动衡量计
- Callcenter自动呼叫
- automatic calling and answering unit自动呼叫和应答设备,自动呼叫应答机
- automatic calling equipment自动呼叫设备
- automatic arc welding自动弧焊
- AMVER centre自动互助船舶营救系统中心
- Automatic Workshop自动化车间
- level of automatism自动化程度
- automatic routine自动化程序
- automatic program control自动化程序控制
- automatically programming design自动化程序设计
- unmanned shipyard自动化船厂
- automatic ship自动化船
- automatic ship class notation自动化船船级符号
- automatic ship class notation自动化船级符号
- automated power supply system自动化供电系统
- automatic boiler自动化锅炉
- the automatic period自动化过程
- automated nautical chart index file自动化海图索引夹
- automated cargo expediting system自动化货物快速处理系统
- automatic machining自动化机械加工
- automated radar tracking system自动化雷达跟踪系统
- automated astronomic positioning device自动化天文定位装置
- automatic components自动化元件
- automatic equipment自动化装置
- automation自动化自动监控器自动机
- automatic marking apparatus自动划线装置
- automatic restoring自动还原